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Unit 3 How do you get to school?基础导练1、 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1. Lets see the p_ first.2. The lions are f_ South Africa.3. Why do you like k_?4. The g_ has a long neck.5. They are k_ of interesting.二、用括号中所给词的适当的形式填空1. How _ Bob _( get ) to school? He takes the bus.2. There _ ( be ) sixty _ (minute) in an hour.3. It takes _( I ) 2 hours _ ( do ) my homework.4. Let me _( look) at your map.5. It takes him about half an hour _( walk) to school.6. He _(cross) the river every day.7. The early bus _ ( take ) _( he ) to school at 8:00.8. How far _Jim _(live) from here?9. If you have problems, you can _(ask) the policeman.10. Tom usually _( ride) his bike to school.能力提升1、 单项填空( )1. It usually takes my mother an hour _ dinner.A.to cook B.cooks C.cooking D.cook( )2. _ is it from your home to the shopping center?Five kilometers.A.How longB.How manyC.How farD.How much( )3. I want to _ to Beijing.A.on a trainB.take a trainC.by trainD.take train( )4. Its difficult for you _ to the station in a short time.A. on bikesB. by bikeC. take bikesD. to ride a bike( )5. I dont know _. Can you tell me?A. where Mr Smith livesB. where does Mr Smith liveC. Mr Smith lives whereD. does Mr Smith live where2、 根据汉语意思完成句子1.她乘出租车上班需要15分钟。_ _ her 15 minutes _ _ a taxi to work.2.刘英每天步行去上学。Liu Ying _ to school _ _ every day.3.这儿离医院有多远?_ _is the hospital from here?4.你是乘公共汽车还是骑自行车去上学?Do you _ the bus to school or _ a bike to school?5.希望你美梦成真!I hope your dream will _ _!答案基础导练一、1. penguins / pandas 2. from 3. koalas 4. giraffe 5. kind二、1. does; get 2. are; minutes 3. me; to do 4. Look 5.to walk 6.crosses 7. takes; him 8. does; live 9. Ask 10. rides能力提升一、1-5 ACBDA二、1. It takes; to take 2. goes; on foot 3. How far4. take; ride 5. come true
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