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课时跟踪练(三) Other Parts of the Module一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1Youll never know how much your encouragement (鼓励) meant to me.2My friend can speak three languages with great fluency(流利)3Professor Wang needs two assistants (助手) to help him do the experiment.4Only those with college diplomas (文凭) will be accepted by the company.5This website covers (包含) a lot of information, which we cant get in the newspaper.6He drove so fast that the car disappeared (消失) in the distance right away.7They had a misunderstanding (误解), but they have become friends again recently.8How disappointing (令人失望的)! The match just began when it rained.单句改错1Would you mind if I use your new car?useused2I watched Lisa until she was disappeared from sight.去掉was3Tom doesnt like speaking in public. So does Jack.SoNeither/Nor4If you want to go to a college, you must study harder than before.去掉a5Im going to take a trip to Europe in the end of this month.inat6We should take active part in social activities during summer holidays.在active前加an7From the disappointing voice, we knew he failed in the exam.disappointingdisappointed8Its not easy for a Chinese to speak English as fluent as an American.fluentfluently.选词填空at the start of, at the end of, be divided into, go to college, take part in, make progress 1Im glad that you are making_progress in English.2We all make plans at_the_start_of the term. However, the most important thing is to keep them.3A Senior High school student who wants to go_to_college should study hard.4The class was_divided_into three groups when we went on our outing.5In early days only male athletes were allowed to take_part_in the Olympic Games.6At_the_end_of the concert, the audience stood and clapped.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1The audience were amazed by his amazing performance on the stage.(amaze)2The directors attitude towards/to this program will decide what we should do next.3There is much information (inform) on English in the book.4The teacher instructed us to_wait (wait) here until all the students arrive.5Would you mind if I asked (ask) you a question?6All of the children behaved themselves and left a good impression on us.7A man called (call) Jim gave you a ring just now.8Theres nothing like a long hot bath after a days climbing.完成句子1The weather in the north is usually colder than that_in_the_south in winter.在冬天,北方的天气通常比南方的冷。2The party was far_from_a_success. Everyone got disappointed.这次宴会远非成功的宴会,每个人都很扫兴。3The new school life is nothing_like what I imagined.新的学校生活完全不像我想象的那样。4You are sure to have_fun at the party tonight.你肯定会在今晚的晚会上玩得高兴。5We are_looking_forward_to_having another chance to try it again.我们期待着还能有一次尝试的机会。6I dont_think he will attend the meeting, will_he?我认为他不会参加会议,对吗?7She will be very busy at the weekend. In_other_words,_she wont be able to come to our party.这周末她会很忙。换句话说,她不能来参加我们的聚会了。8This mountain is three_times_as_high_as/the_height_of/higher_than that one.这座山是那座山的三倍高。二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解My son has always had a terrible fear of fast roller coasters (过山车). Those rides are so fast that the people riding them scream the whole way. But recently, my son decided he was going to ride one no matter how afraid he was. He forced himself to sit next to me on the roller coaster, and I could almost hear his heart beating. To tell you the truth, that roller coaster was almost too fast for me! When the ride was finally over and we were leaving, my son was so happy and proud of himself. He kept saying again and again,“Dad, I conquered (征服) my fear!”One of the important secrets to success and happiness, which many people dont know, is that on the other side of our fear is a much better life for us. Its only when we face the fear and conquer it that we are free to reach our full potential (潜力). The great army general George Patton said, “Fear kills more people than death.” You see, death kills us only once, but fear kills us over and over again. Its better to face danger one time than to live in fear for your whole life.Fear_is_a_warning_signal_(信号),_not_for_us_to_close_our_eyes,_but_for_us_to_open_them_wider. If we keep closing our eyes to our fear so we can just stay in our comfort zone, then well end up “buried alive in our comfort zone” and never really live life to the fullest.Remember, theres a first time for everything whether its riding a bike, starting your own business, or public speaking. Theres no greater feeling of success than running right at your fear and coming out on the other side of it, knowing you conquer it.语篇解读:作者通过事例说明:我们要勇敢面对生活中的恐惧,只有这样我们才能去战胜它,才能拥有完整的人生。1Why did the authors son decide to ride the roller coaster?ATo help the author conquer his fear.BTo face his fear and conquer it.CTo show that he was brave.DTo enjoy himself.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,作者的儿子乘坐过山车是为了战胜自己心中的恐惧。2Wh
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