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Module 6 单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空We usually tell ourselves that our life will be complete when we get a nicer car, when we are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire .The _1_ is, theres no better time to be _2_ than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with _3_. Its best to admit this to yourself and _4_ to be happy anyway.One of my _5_ quotes (引言) comes from Alfred DSouza. He said, “For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to _6_ real life. But there was always some obstacle (障碍) _7_ the way, something to be _8_ first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. _9_ life would begin. At last I realized that these _10_ were my life.”This view has helped me to see that there is no _11_ to happiness. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every _12_ that you have. And treasure (珍惜) it more because you _13_ it with someone special, special enough to spend your time . and _14_ that time waits for no one._15_ stop waiting until you finish school, until you start work, until you get married, until you have kids, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is _16_, until you retire, until you _17_, until you are born again to _18_ that there is no better time than right now to be happy.Happiness is a(n) _19_, not an end.Thought for the day:“Work like you dont need money, _20_ like youve never been hurt, and dance like no ones watching.”语篇解读:我们总是习惯性的认为我们的生活将在未来某个时刻真正开始,我们的幸福将在将来某个时刻降临。这种想法是大错而特错的,作者告诫我们:幸福就在眼前,我们应该活在当下。1A.planBchoiceCmethod Dtruth解析:选DThe truth is .意为“真相/事实是”第一段作者介绍了我们生活中的一种观念误区,第二段给我们揭示了真相和事实,故选择D项。2A.rich BluckyCactive Dhappy解析:选D根据倒数第三段段末 . to be happy可知,此处应选D项。3A.challenges BchancesCdreams Danswers解析:选A第三段承接上文论述了我们的生活中充满了障碍,故A项challenges一词符合语境。4A.refuse BdecideCwait Dexpect解析:选B上文提到生活中充满挑战,所以作者奉劝我们,无论如何,我们都要“下决心”(decide)去快乐生活。5A.similar BregularCfavourite Dpotential解析:选C根据语录和作者的观点一致可知,这是作者“最喜欢”(favourite)的一句语录,故选择C项。6A.begin BfinishCchange Dcome解析:选A根据本段末尾“life would begin”的提示可知,Alfred DSouza总是认为生活即将“开始”(begin),这表明他总是将幸福的实现寄托于未来。7A.in BbyCoff Dat解析:选A“in the way”在此是一个固定短语,表示“阻挡”之意,符合语境。8A.set up Bgot throughCturned down Dmade out解析:选Bget through意为“完成;度过”,前面提到“障碍”,这里接着说我们总是有一些事先要去“克服”。符合语境。9A.Instead BMeanwhileCThen DOtherwise解析:选C上文的关键词“first”和下文的“at last”提示此处应是顺承关系,故选C项。Alfred DSouza认为,等他完成了以上的那些事情,“然后”(then)他的生活就开始了。10A.experiences BopportunitiesCfailures Dobstacles解析:选D最终,Alfred DSouza意识到:这些“障碍”正是他生活的组成部分。这里的obstacles与前面提到的“障碍”相呼应。11A.time BwayCplace Dexcuse解析:选B根据下句“Happiness is the way”可知,此处应该填入way一词。句意:没有通往幸福的道路,幸福本身就是道路。12A.present BmomentChope Dfriend解析:选B根据下文“spend your time”和“time waits no one”可知,这里作者劝我们要珍惜每“一刻”(moment)。13A.provided BrealizedCshared Dachieved解析:选C我们之所以要珍惜这生命中的每一刻,是因为我们与某个特殊的人“共同度过”(share)这些时刻。share sth. with sb.意为“和某人共度”,符合语境。14A.remember BsuggestCremind Dprove解析:选A上文一系列的祈使句都是讲述时间的宝贵,由此可知作者让我们“记住”(remember)时间不待人。15A.And BButCOr DSo解析:选D通过上文的论述,作者这里得出结论:“因此”(so)不要在等待未来中浪费生命,要活在当下。16A.paid off Bgiven offCturned off Dtaken off解析:选A前面说“直到买了新车或新房子”,后面接着说“等我们还清汽车或房子的贷款”,符合逻辑上一贯的关系。pay off意为“付清,还清”。17A.win BloseCdie Dforget解析:选C作者本段是按照时间顺序来作出假设,从毕业到参加工作,然后结婚生子,再到买房车、还贷款、退休,接下来自然是“死亡”(die)了。18A.believe BdoubtCpredict Densure解析:选A总结全文内容可知,作者的论述主要是围绕“幸福就在当下”而展开,故此处应该说的是要“坚信”(believe)这个道理。19A.game BjourneyCmatch Dexperiment解析:选B根据下句的提示,可知上句要表达的意思是“幸福是一场旅行”,言外之意是人生的幸福就在过程当中,而不只是追求结果。20A.try BgiveCtake Dlove解析:选D作者最后奉劝我们:努力工作,尽情去爱,大胆表现。第二句的意思是:就像从没受到过伤害那样去爱。.阅读理解Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are pets, offering him companionship;some give protection, and some do hard work which man cannot do for himself. Others, unfortunately, are kept as food. Dogs, which serve man in all four capacities (Korea and China are big dog eaters), are found in various breeds (品种) in all countries of the world. The Husky can live in the cold polar regions, and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa. The inhabitants of certain countries are dependent for their very lives on the camel. In the West Indies the little donkey, strong and surefooted, carrying heavy loads even in mountainous places, is a familiar sight.Trained and tamed for many generations, domestic animals are not accustomed to roaming in search of food and shelter. They look to their masters to provide for their needs, and as long as these are supplied, they are content to do what their masters require. All domestic animals need proper food. It must be suitable for them, sufficient in quantity, fresh and clean. Some people feed a pet dog or cat on left
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