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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note满分:120分时间:90分钟第卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A“Beauty is only skin deep.”This expression means that beauty is only a temporary surface quality.Some beauty products can cause lasting damage that goes far below the surface of the skin.In America,many people use sunlight and nonnatural light to darken their skin.Health experts advise against what is called“tanning”because of its links to skin cancer.In the African country of Senegal(塞内加尔),some women take health risks trying to do just the_opposite.An average beauty supply shop in Dakar has many kinds of skinlightening creams and soaps.The World Health Organization says that 25% of Senegalese women use skinlightening products on a usual basis.These products can contain chemicals,like mercury(汞),hydroquinone(对苯二酚),etc.These are dangerous ingredients that can cause cancer and possibly other physical damage to the skin.They can actually burn the eyes and skin.Shop worker Adama Diagne advises her visitors to avoid the stronger products that promise fast results.She uses a cream that is made from carrots,not the strong chemical,hydroquinone.She says that it is a personal choice and that no one pressures her.Some women want to be black every day,but for her,she likes to be a shade of brown.Women in Senegal say they lighten their skin for the same reason that women all over the world make changes to their appearance.They say they want to look beautiful,to find a husband,to stand out in a crowd or simply to look great for a special event.This thinking troubles Senegalese filmmaker Khardiata Pouye Sall.So,she made“This Color That Bothers Me”,a film about the subject of skin lightening.She said,“I used the most shocking images so that women would see the dangers.It is hard to understand why a woman says that dark skin is not beautiful.It is in their heads.They want to please a man,to be loved or they want to please society,to succeed.”Ms.Sall says that the government needs to better control the marketing and the sale of skinlightening products.But she adds that education is the best way to persuade people against using them.爱美之心人皆有之。本文论述了美容产品给人们健康带来的各种危害。1.The underlined part“the opposite”in Paragraph 2 means some Senegalese women_.A.use sunlight to darken their skinB.try creams to prevent skin cancerC.use products to lighten their skinD.take health risks to become beautiful答案:C解析:考查词义理解。上文提到在美国,许多人利用阳光和非自然光线让皮肤颜色变深。在非洲的塞内加尔,一些妇女冒着健康风险进行与此相反的事情。因此可推断她们使用各种产品美白皮肤,故C项正确。2.According to Adama Diagne,women shouldnt believe_.A.beauty is just a personal choiceB.a cream from carrots is healthierC.it is beautiful to be black every dayD.a product can make you beautiful quickly答案:D解析:考查细节理解。根据第四段中的Shop worker Adama Diagne advises her visitors to avoid the stronger products that promise fast results.可知。3.We can infer that women in Senegal_.A.attract attention with shocking imagesB.dont consider dark skin to be beautifulC.find it hard to understand the true beautyD.put beauty in the first place in their heads答案:B解析:考查推理判断。根据第五段中的Women in Senegal say they lighten their skin for the same reasons women all over the world make changes to their appearance.They say they want to look beautiful,.可知。4.What is Salls attitude towards skinlightening products?A.Unsupportive.BCasual.C.Responsible.DPositive.答案:A解析:考查概括总结。根据第六段中的I used the most shocking images so that women would see the dangers.和第七段中的Ms Sall says the government needs to better control the marketing and sale of skinlightening products.可知。BGenealogy(家谱),the study of family history,is the second most popular hobby in America today.Millions of Americans spend their free time trying to trace(追溯)their family lines.This interest in family history is not new.In fact,as a country,America showed its first real interest in genealogy in the 1890s.At that time,organizations such as the Daughters of the American Revolution were created to connect people with ancestors who played a part in early American history.But Americas interest in genealogy has grown over the past few decades,largely for two reasons.One of the causes of genealogys most recent growth in popularity might be Alex Haleys book Roots,which follows one mans family through slavery and all the way back to 18th century Africa.In one year,more than one million copies of the book were sold.People not only enjoyed the story of Roots,but also were interested in the idea that one man could learn so much about his familys history.The idea that a man living in America in the twentieth century might have a direct link to important moments in history inspired many Americans to do their own genealogical studies.The Internet has also contributed to the great popularity of genealogy today because it is so convenient and vast.Before the Internet,people had to go to libraries to find in
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