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课时提升作业(一)Module 1 Introduction &Reading and Vocabulary. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The machine is (load) with clothes. 2. We must use our (limit) time to finish this task. 3. When we arrived, we found a note (attach) to the door. 4. No one believed the (predict) that the world would end on December 21. 5. We started early with his car (charge). 6. He was (arrest) when the policeman found drugs in his bag. 7. Caught in the act, he had no (alternative) but to confess. 8. Britains natural (resource) include oil, coal and so on. 9. He was (fire) for not coming to work on time. 10. The troop was in the (command) of General Brown. 答案:1. loaded 2. limited 3. attached 4. prediction 5. charged6. arrested 7. alternative 8. resources 9. fired 10. command. 选择适当的短语填空(注意用其适当形式)rely on, run out, attach to, get rid of, free of charge, carry out, use up, be loaded with, place orders, for sure1. I think he lives here but I couldnt say . 2. You can take these apples as many as you like, because they are . 3. The car cant go any farther because the gas in it has . 4. You cant others. Its your job. 5. There is so much rubbish in the room. We must find a way to it. 6. The truck stones that day. 7. I have my ink. Can you lend me some? 8. In the future, more and more shopping can be done online. You can at any time. 9. Two weeks later, surgeons the operation to rebuild his face. 10. There is a paper the book which will explain everything. 答案:1. for sure 2. free of charge 3. run out 4. rely on 5. get rid of6. was loaded with 7. used up 8. place orders 9. carried out 10. attached to. 完成句子1. This school does not music and art. 这个学校不重视音乐和美术。2. We should take measures to poverty. 我们要采取措施消除贫困。3. 乘公交车到达那儿是可能的。(用its possible句型)4. , we worked like crazy, it ahead of time. 为了完成这个计划, 我们拼命工作, 所以提前完成了它。(用动词不定式和动词-ing形式)5. Its important to yourself. 依靠自己很重要。6. You can try out the products . 你可以免费试用这些产品。7. You to tell him the truth. 除了告诉他真相你别无选择。8. His command was that we immediately. 他的命令就是我们要马上离开。9. The refused to answer any question. 那名被逮捕的罪犯拒绝回答问题。10. The student plans to call his parents because he is money. 因为快把钱花完了, 这个学生打算给父母打电话。11. Many more policemen should be sent to some endangered animals. 应该派去更多的警察阻止他们捕猎濒危动物。12. the research of Flight MH17, I expect the truth will be found out soon. (with的复合结构)由于更多的专家参与到MH17航班的调查, 我希望不久就能查明真相。13. The huge spaceships waste materials and sent into space. 这些大型的宇宙飞船将被装满垃圾并发射到太空。14. for Harry to know what to do next. 哈利可能知道下一步做什么。15. Terrorists attacked three railway stations in China in 2014, . 2014年恐怖分子袭击了中国的三个火车站, 造成了一些伤亡。答案:1. attach importance to 2. get rid of 3. It is possible to get there by bus4. To carry out the plan; finishing 5. rely on 6. free of charge7. have no alternative but 8. (should)leave 9. arrested criminal10. running out of 11. prevent/stop/keep them(from)hunting12. With more experts involved in 13. will be loaded with 14. It was possible15. causing some injuries and deaths. 语法填空阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。What will the city of the future look 1. ? One thing is certainthey are going to get bigger. Here are some of the ideas for 2. (run)a city in the year 2025. To get rid of garbage problems, the city 3. (load)huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and 4. (environment)problems. Police will arrest criminals 5. firing nets instead of guns. No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. In 6. future all shopping will be done 7. . Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter 8. they live. All forms of recreation will be provided 9. of charge. All cars will be powered by electricity and 10. (travel) in space by ordinary citizens will be common. 答案:1. like 2. running 3. will load 4. environmental 5. by6. the 7. online 8. where 9. free 10. travelling. 阅读理解AIn the future your automobile will run on water instead of gas! You will be able to buy a supercomputer that fits in your pocket! You might even drive a flying car! For each prediction that has come true today, several others have missed by a mile. Many of these predictions didnt consider how people would want to use the technology, or whether people really needed it in their lives or not. Lets look at some predictions from the not-too-distant
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