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Unit1课前预习一根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.Who is (缺席的)today? - Li Ming and Millie.2.We hope that you can (同意)with us.3.The old woman isnt (合适的)for this job.4. The product of this company has reached the international _ (标准), so it sells well all over the world. 5. Its a tradition for a Chinese family to buy a new _ (挂历) when the new year is coming.6. When the star _ (出现) on the stage, the fans all screamed excitedly.课堂练习二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Millie is afraid of (walk)in the dark alone.2.He doesnt think he can do (something) in such a short time.3.All the students think Li Ming is the (suitable) person to be the monitor.4.Amy often helps others whenever they need. She is a (help) girl.5.We should learn to get ourselves (organized).6. The second step is _ (shape) the dough (面团) into small balls.三、单项选择( )1.Millie, where is Miss Li? - She a speech on Chinese art to the first-year students in the hall.A. gives B. gave C. is giving D has given( )2. Everyone is here. Thats to say, no one is . A. absent B. presentC .represent D. outside( )3. Thanks for the monitor. A. recommending me as C. recommend me asB. recommending me for D. recommend me for ( ) 4. It is I _ against the plan, because it sounds impossible to carry out. A. that isB. who amC. who areD. that are( ) 5. Picasso once said that all children are_ artists. The problem is to remain artists as they grow older. A. born B. young C. generalD. modest ( ) 6. Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday? No, not at all! I was _ dead after so much hard training. A. as good as B. as well asC. so good as D. so well as( ) 7. Our monitor Jack is good at all the subjects, but he never _. What a modest student! A. gets off B. takes offC. puts offD. shows off( ) 8. We may meet all kinds of difficulties in the future, but we should be confident enough to_ any challenge. A. put on B. get onC. take onD. try on( ) 9. People born under the same animal sign always have similar hobbies and personalities. _ I think thats just a coincidence (巧合). A. Yes, I agree with you. B. Thats true. C. Im afraid I cant agree. D. You are right in some ways.( )10.Maybe he has a lot _in front of the new students. A.to speak B.to talk with C.talking about D,to say课后延伸四动词填空。1.Its reported that the 2014 Youth Olympic Games_(hold)in Nanjing in August.2.-Do you know any of the places of interest in Wuxi? -Yes,its the second time I _(visit) the beautiful city.3.I think your car needs _(check) every year ,or it may break down on the road.4.Today,the overuse of cars in many big cities_(be) one of the main causes of air pollution.5.Oil _(catch) fire easily.You must be very careful.6.-Wheres Bob? -I think he _(do) experiments in the laboratory with John.7.Jim _(prepare) his speech when I went to see him.8.We must do as much as we can _(protect) the environment.9.I really hope you _(get) good marks in the coming tests.10.The cinema _(turn) into a hotel by the government in two years.五、翻译句子1. 我们认为他有很多突出的品质,可以适合这个职位。 We all think he has many_.2. 他做事很有条理,从来不会忘记做他需要做的事。 He is very organized and never forgets to do the things_.3. 你总是在开始工作之前担心太多,这是不明智的。 It is not wise _ before you start working.4. 他不怕对着一大群人演讲。 He is not afraid of _ a large group of people.5. 你的生活和你的未来都掌握在你的手中。 Its you who _.六、书面表达 假设你叫李明,你们班级要选拔新班长,你想向班主任王老师推荐张航。请根据表格内容,写一封80词左右的推荐信给王老师。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。姓名张航特长精通电脑,擅长演讲性格、品质自信、勤奋、谦虚、有条理、乐于助人个人事迹经常花很多时间组织课外活动,从不介意为班级做额外的工作,总是尽最大努力帮助同学,深受同学们欢迎。Dear Mr Wang, Im writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor._ I hope you can consider my recommendation.Yours sincerely,Li M
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