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阅读提升作业 九Module 3Period 1阅读理解AWhen you are in another country, it is important to know the language, but it is equally important to know how to communicate nonverbally(非语言地)before saying anything by making gestures. According to a pioneer in nonverbal communication, only 30 to 35 percent of our communication is verbal. When people dont know the language, the most common way to communicate is through gestures. However, many gestures have different meanings, or no meaning at all, in different parts of the world. In the United States, for example, nodding your head up and down means“yes”. In some parts of Greece and Turkey, however, this motion can mean“no”. In Southeast Asia, nodding your head is a polite way of saying“Ive heard you”. In ancient Rome, when the emperor wanted to spare someones life, he would put his thumb up. Today in the United States, when someone puts his/her thumb up, it means“Everything is all right”. However, in Sardinia and Greece, the gesture is insulting and should not be used there. In the United States, raising your clasped(紧握)hands above your head means“Im the champion”or“Im the winner”. It is the sign prizefighters make when they win a fight. When a leading Russian statesman(政治家)made this gesture after a White House meeting, Americans misunderstood and thought he meant he was a winner. In Russia, however, it is a sign of friendship. In the United States, holding your hand up with the thumb and index finger in a circle and the other three fingers spread out means“Everything is OK”and is frequently used by astronauts and politicians. In France and Belgium, it can mean“Youre worth nothing”. There are other nonverbal signals that people should be aware of when they go to another country, such as the distance to maintain between speakers. Americans usually feel comfortable when speaking with someone if the distance between them is about eighteen inches to arms length. Anything closer makes them feel uncomfortable. When talking to Americans, it is also important to make eye contact. If you look down when talking to an American, he/she may feel that you are embarrassed, afraid, or trying to hide something. In addition to knowing how to communicate nonverbally in a country, it is important to know what you and he cannot discuss. In the United States, there are certain topics to avoid when you first meet someone, for example, dont ask people their age, weight, religion, marital status(婚姻状况), how much money they earn, or how much something costs. You can talk about work, the weather, traffic problems, sports, food, news of the day, where one lives, consumer subjects(computers, car repairs, and so forth), and travel or vacation plans. These examples illustrate that your actions can speak louder than your words. In a particular cultural contest, what you say and what you dont say are equally important. 【语篇概述】当身处异国时, 了解他国的语言很重要, 但是知道怎样用手势进行非语言交流也同等重要。1. Which of the following is TRUE?A. People all over the world only communicate verbally. B. Most of our gestures have no meaning at all. C. Some people think that 65 to 70 percent of our communication is nonverbal. D. Gestures are the most common way to communicate. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段中“. . . the most common way to communicate is through gestures. ”可知。2. When someone puts his/her thumb up in _ , it means everything is all right. A. ancient RomeB. the United StatesC. FranceD. Belgium【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据短文第三段中第二句内容可知。3. What does the clause“. . . your actions can speak louder than your words. ”mean?A. Your deeds are better than your words. B. What you do is better than what you say. C. You try to show your best manners. D. You are better understood by your gestures than through your words. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。句意: 你的行动比你的话更有效。再联想到本文谈论的是在国外与人进行交流时gesture的重要性, 由此可推出答案为D。4. The main idea of the passage is that when you are in another country, . A. it is unimportant to know the languageB. it is important to know what you can talk about with a foreignerC. to know how to communicate nonverbally is as important as to know the languageD. to communicate nonverbally is more important than to know the language【解析】选C。主旨大意题。从文章结构和内容来看, 文章第一句“When you are in another country, it is important to know the language, but it is equally important to know how to communicate nonverbally. . . ”就是主题句。BComera is the only place in the world which has a whistle(口哨)language. We do not know how and why it began because we do not know the complete history of the island. But we can certainly imagine the reasons for the beginning of the whistle language. There are many deep valleys on the island. A person on one side of valley cannot easily shout to a person on the other side. But he can whistle and be heard from four miles away, and the record is seven miles. The people who live on the island usually have good teeth, and this helps them to whistle well. They must also have good ears so that t
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