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完型填空Task 1 Relearn 复习指导:核对答案,分数: /15 , 再通过二次学习解决自己的疑问,记录并 积累一些重点知识。41-45 CBDAC 46-50 CDCBC 51-55 DABAB1. experience n. 经历 2. be thirsty for 渴望3. a fishing pole 鱼竿4. the week later 一周以后5. base on 根据6. gather v. 聚集7. place v. 放置8. threw out 抛出,扔出9. anxiously adv. 不安地10. bite n. 咬11. move up and down rapidly 迅速地上下移动12. surface n. 表面13. sank v. 下沉14. out of sight 看不见15. brought up 带出来,提出16. look towards 看向17. sweep off 扫去,拂去18. wriggling v.蠕动19. stream n. 溪流20. try my luck 再试一下运气21. recall v. 回忆22. remind sb. of 使想起23. warning n. 警告Task 2 Analyze the choice 复习指导:思考和讨论一下选项,比较一下同类词性单词与用法。41. A. famous B. angry C. thirsty D. excited42. A. expected B. received C. refused D. accepted43. A. facts B. practice C. surveys D. experience44. A. moving B. breathing C. playing D. fighting45. A. mind B. order C. sight D. memory46. A. separate B. heavy C. empty D. full47. A. abilities B. imagination C. skills D. patience48. A. cover B. stand C. control D. compare49. A. pleased B. scared C. wounded D. tricked50. A. taught B. praised C. comforted D. protected51. A. breaks down B. breaks off C. breaks out D. breaks up52. A. promised B. joked C. lied D. shouted53. A. sense B. luck C. choice D. talent54. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks55. A. set B. achieved C. reached D. stuckTask 3 Translate 复习指导:小组合作讨论文章内容,并回答下面的问题。What does this story mainly tell us?_Task 4 Survey 复习指导:根据答题情况分析表,重点讨论分析错误率高的题目。错误率错误较多的选项反思错误原因4148%D4265.5%D4355.1%ABC均等4434.4%B4537.9%A4641.3%B4755.1%A4862%BD4968%CD5072%A5189.6%A5268.9%BC5365.5%BC5475.8%C5534.4%ADTask 5 Feedback 复习指导:背诵默写下列重点单词和短语1. 渴望_ 2. 根据_3. surface_ 4. out of sight_5. 耐心_ 6. break up_7. recall_ 8. 实现目标_9. control_ 10. 使想起_11. refuse_ 12. wound_
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