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Section Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1Of the two coats, Id choose this one, for I am _(particular) fond of its color.2These toys will help to keep the baby _(amuse) for hours.3Mike, what new courses are you going to have in _ second grade?Im going to learn _ second foreign language.4One common _(explain) of UFOs is that they are just lights of planes in the sky.5He hadnt seen his mother for a long time, so when he saw his mother he burst out _(cry)6How did the manager react _ the letters of complaint? Angrily.7. What do you think of the film Snatch?_ wonderful! I enjoy it very much.答案:1.particularly2.amused3.the;a4.explanation5.crying6.to7.How.用方框所给短语的适当形式填空1His sunburnt face and rough skin suggested he worked _ throughout the year.2Her room is _, which is unexpected to me.3A lot of cyber citizens actively _ our survey about Guo Meimei Event.4The audience _ the humour of Zhou Libo in Mr Zhou Live Show.5We all _ while watching the babys funny behaviour.6A thief _ the accountants office and stole about 60,000 yuan.7She earns only 1,000 yuan a month but _ her clothes.8He told me _ that he earned 2,000,000 yuan in a lottery.9It took him quite some time to _ the burs that had stuck to his coat.10_, what attracted me most was her fair skin, her charming hair, her young looking miniskirt, her tall and slim figure.答案:1.in the open air2.in a mess3.reacted to4.were amused by5.burst into laughter6.slid into7.is particular about8.in a whisper9.pick off10.On that/this occasion.同义句转换1It so happened that he was out for an important meeting when I went to see him five years after we parted in Beijing.Five years have passed since we parted in Beijing. But when I went to see him,he _ for an important meeting.2The farmer went into the forest again to look for the South China tiger.The farmer went into the forest again _ the South China tiger.3A large park has been built in our city. We are able to amuse ourselves after work.The large park built in our city _ us _ a place to enjoy ourselves.4The power station stopped their electricity supply as the fees hadnt been paid for months.The electricity was _ because they hadnt paid the bills for months.5With time going by, he came to understand his mother._, he came to understand his mother.答案:1.happened to be out2.in search of3.provides; with4.cut off5.As time went by.用合适的介词或副词填空1There are thousands of jokes which use “play _ words” to amuse us.2He treated this child _ his own.3Please give the answers _ the questions.4Theyll go camping _ the open air.5He looked _ the sky.6What do you think _ the school?Its beautiful.7Marry got angry _ John.8My company bring _ a million yuan a year.9Pay attention _ what the teacher is talking about.10Excitement was _ the air.答案:1onplay on words“玩字谜游戏”。2astreat.as“把看作”。3toanswer to.“的答案”。4inin the open air“在户外”。5up atlook up at“仰望”。6ofWhat do you think of.?“你认为怎样?”7withget angry with“对生气”。8in9.to10.in.完形填空Charlie Chaplin, Mr. Bean and so on are examples of famous international comedians and all of them are British. But why has British _1_ been so successful? Why is it more successful in pleasing others _2_ great enjoyment than French or German comedy?Everybody in Britain is expected to have a _3_ of humour. And the British pay special attention _4_ showing others humour in situations which might seem very strange, almost _5_, to other cultures. Professors giving serious lectures at university often _6_ jokes to get people relaxed and interested. Business people often _7_ humour and number when making important presentations. Some doctors are _8_ for making their patients relax. Even priests (牧师) tell _9_ in churches!But what _10_ makes British people laugh? And why is British humour often _11_ for foreigners to understand?Jokes are connected with _12_. They often refer to people and places that are _13_ familiar to the British themselves. Another thing _14_ makes British humour difficult for foreigners is that they often play _15_ words that sound the same _16_ have different meanings, and there are a lot of _17_ in English!However, a lot of British humour is _18_ and comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Mr. Bean have been successful _19_ the world. Their humour is understood on sight and they express it in situations that we can tellpeople often find
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