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Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries高考试卷分块专练.完形填空My life wouldnt be so wonderful without my parents. Every time I look at them or even think of them, I am very _1_.Our native country was Vietnam, but, to _2_ the war, we had to leave our home and all our _3_ and go on a long boat journey to America. I was two years old and the youngest of seven children.This journey was not _4_ for my parents, but throughout they thought of their children first. I was even told that they once ate only apple peels to _5_ the fruit part for me. This was special because at that time many children were _6_ by their parents because of the war.Our journey to America was not the last of our _7_. We were also faced with starting a life in America with nothing. My parents strong _8_ to give their children a good life was what has taken us where we are today. Of course, our beginning years were hard. We lived on just enough food bought with food stamps, wore old clothes and played with toys bought at secondhand shops. _9_ almost everything we had was bought at secondhand shops, we were _10_ because our life was really peaceful.My parents _11_ very hard to build a better life. I will always _12_ how early they got up in the morning. After a few years my dad got a degree in business and then he got a(n) _13_. Slowly, our living status began to _14_. My parents bought a car and _15_ they saved up enough money to buy a house; this was the true sign of my parents _16_.Today we moved out of the apartment, _17_ all the hard times and starting our new _18_. We really live very _19_ and my parents greatest achievement is that they have _20_ that nothing is impossible.1A.honorableBgratefulCadmirable Dpowerful解析:选B根据本空前的“My life wouldnt be so wonderful .”可知,作者对父母十分感激。2A.escape BpreventCend Dstop解析:选A根据本空后的“we had to leave our home”可知,为了躲避战争,作者一家人不得不离开家乡。3A.belongings BmemoriesCfriends Dcolleagues解析:选A根据下文中的“starting a life in America with nothing”可知,作者一家人不得不放弃在越南的财产。4A.easy BpossibleClong Ddangerous解析:选A上文说作者的父母带着七个孩子来到美国,这段行程一定非常不容易。5A.demand BstoreCfind Dspare解析:选D根据本空前的“they once ate only apple peels”可知,父母只是吃苹果皮,而把果肉分让给作者。6A.adopted BraisedCabandoned Dprotected解析:选C根据本空前的“This was special because at that time”以及“because of the war”可知,这在当时很特别是因为由于战争很多儿童都被遗弃了。7A.struggles BworryCburdens Dpain解析:选A根据本空后的“We were also faced with starting a life in America with nothing.”可知,去美国的旅程并不是最后的奋斗。8A.determination BdecisionCability Dpatience解析:选A根据本空后的“to give their children a good life was what has taken us where we are today”可知,父母让孩子们过上更好的生活的决心成就了今天的我们。9A.Because BWhileCSince DUnless解析:选B根据本空后的“almost everything we had was bought at secondhand shops, we were .”可知,此处是说尽管几乎我们所有的东西都是二手货。10A.cautious BnervousChappy Dcrazy解析:选C根据本空后的“because our life was really peaceful”可知,我们感到很开心因为我们生活平静。11A.thought BexpectedCworked Dfought解析:选C根据本空后的“very hard to build a better life”可知,父母为了创造更好的生活而拼命工作。12A.cherish BenjoyCunderstand Dremember解析:选D根据本空后的“how early they got up in the morning”可知,作者永远都会记得父母每天起得有多早。13A.substitute BpromotionCstatus Dpartner解析:选B根据本空前的“After a few years my dad got a degree in business”可知,然后父亲得到了升职。14A.follow BappearCrise Dcontinue解析:选C上文说父亲升职了,由此可知作者家的生活条件有所提高。15A.immediately BobviouslyCsuddenly Dgradually解析:选D根据本空后的“they saved up enough money to buy a house”可知,渐渐地父母攒够了钱买房子。16A.success BchallengeChope Dcooperation解析:选A根据下文“my parents greatest achievement”可知,这是父母成功的标志。17A.falling BcarryingCforgetting Dleaving解析:选D根据本空前“we moved out of the apartment”可知,现在已经抛下了那段艰难的日子。18A.education BlifeCfamily Dcareer解析:选B上文说已经抛下了那段艰难的日子,我们过上了新的生活。19A.confidently BcomfortablyClonely Dindependently解析:选B上文说作者一家人刚到美国的时候生活很艰苦,现在那段日子已经远去,由此可知现在生活很舒适。20A.described BdeclaredCproven Drealized解析:选C结合文章内容,再根据本空后的“that nothing is impossible”可知,作者的父母用行动证明了没有什么是不可能的。.语法填空It was late afternoon _1_ our car stopped in front of a school in Shuanggou, Jiangsu Province. I had been selected _2_ (head) out to this disadvantaged school. I had been looking _3_ (excite) to the opportunity to do some volunteering in China. As _4_ matter of fact, once the twoday visit was done, my coworker and I were thinking about another trip here in the future.Greeted by smiling teachers and directors, then we _5_ (direct) to a guest room for a rest. There were five of us here, _6_ (include) two girls from Canada and one from Sri Lanka.The _7_ (wonder) thing about the kids is that they dont let poverty keep them down. They were all smiling upon seeing us. Some boys grabbed my hand at once to shake it. Girls stood back and took photos of the _8_ (foreign) as they pushed through a sea of screaming kids.Its a t
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