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Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 高考试卷分块专练.完形填空It was an unforgettable weekend.I had a great time at the _1_.However, after I arrived home, I noticed my owl necklace was _2_.I was so anxious that I _3_ every room in the house, but my efforts were _4_ vain.Then I decided to head back to the beach.My husband thought I was _5_, as the huge beach was nine miles from our home.How could I _6_ one tiny necklace? What if it came off in the ocean? I was _7_ to even consider that as a possibility.I knew I had to try.After searching for several hours at the beach, I _8_ an elderly man with a metal detector (探测器) in his hand.I _9_ up to him and asked whether he had come across a necklace.He opened his hand and showed me his _10_ some coins.He said if he saw my necklace he would _11_ return it to me.I also wanted him to have enough _12_ to mail it so I gave him a $5 bill and told him my name and my address.Then I left.My husband _13_ me and said that he would buy me a new one.But I turned down his nice _14_, as that necklace couldnt be _15_.It was my dad who had found a special way to give me that _16_ necklace.There had been a yard sale in my community.Among the things that were put on _17_ he found the necklace.Unable to _18_ it, my dad offered to build a bookshelf for the owner as a(n) _19_.Unexpectedly, three days later, I received a package.Inside were a $5 bill and my owl necklace.The moment I saw the necklace, I couldnt help _20_.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述作者在沙滩上把自己的项链丢失了,然后又回到沙滩上找,没有找到,最后被一个老人找到并寄给作者的故事。1A.campusBbeachClibrary Dmuseum解析:选B根据下文的“Then I decided to head back to the beach.”可知,这里应该指的是在沙滩上。2A.broken BstolenClost Ddisappearing解析:选C根据下文作者后来又去沙滩上找项链可知,此处应指项链丢失了,lost“丢失的”,符合文意。3A.searched BcleanedCoccupied Dmeasured解析:选A根据上下文可知,项链丢失了,此处应该是在家里找。search表示“寻找”,符合语境。4A.for BwithCin Dat解析:选C根据下文的“Then I decided to head back to the beach.”可知,在家里没有找到。in vain表示“徒劳,白费功夫”,符合语境。5A.curious BanxiousCcareless Dcrazy解析:选D根据下文的“as the huge beach was nine miles from our home”可知,沙滩很大并且离家那么远,故在作者决定去沙滩寻找项链时,丈夫认为作者发疯了。6A.find out BlocateCdescribe Dobserve解析:选B此处表示在一个沙滩上找一个微小的东西。locate表示“确定的位置,定位”,符合语境,故选B项。7A.unable BeagerCprepared Dunwilling解析:选D前一句说项链有可能掉进了海里,这样的话,项链就不能找到了,作者显然是不愿意这种情况发生的,所以选D项。8A.rescued BnoticedCadmired Dhired解析:选B作者寻找了几个小时后,不经意间看到(noticed)一个手里拿着金属探测器的老人。9A.raced BwalkedCcrawled Dapproached解析:选A根据上下文可知,作者急切地想找到项链,所以跑向了老人。race“快速移动”。10A.achievement BequipmentCcharge Dpriority解析:选A根据上文提到的老人手里拿着金属探测器可知,他在沙滩上寻找东西,再根据作者问他是否看到一条项链时,他摊开手,手上只有几个硬币,且根据破折号可知,这里应该用achievement“成就”。11A.randomly BgratefullyCgladly Dsincerely解析:选C根据下文老人把找到的项链还给作者可以推知,老人此时说的应该是如果看见他会乐意(gladly)把它归还给作者。12A.time BpostageCreason Dability解析:选B根据空后的“to mail it so I gave him a $5 bill and told him my name and my address”可知,作者给他邮资(postage)让他邮寄项链。13A.promised BremindedCblamed Dcomforted解析:选D根据上下文可知,找不到项链的作者非常着急,丈夫要给作者买一条新的,这应该是安慰作者的话,故选D,comfort“安慰”。14A.gesture BinvitationCassistance Dcomment解析:选A本段第一句是丈夫安慰作者的话,只是丈夫展现的一个姿态(gesture),nice gesture表示“友好的表示”。15A.compared BdecoratedCreplaced Drecognized解析:选C根据上文的“But I turned down his nice _14_”和下文的“It was my dad who had found a special way to give me that _16_ necklace.”可知,这条项链是其他项链无法替代的。16A.similar BpreciousCtemporary Dexpensive解析:选B根据上下文可知,那条项链很珍贵(precious)。17A.schedule BoccasionCapproval Ddisplay解析:选D根据语境可知,当时社区在进行庭院旧货出售,既然父亲发现那条项链,说明当时那条项链在展出(on display)。18A.afford BdevoteCpreserve Drepair解析:选A根据下文的“my dad offered to build a bookshelf for the owner”可知,当时父亲买不起那条项链,afford“承担得起的费用”,符合文意。19A.advantage BdecisionCexchange Dreward解析:选C既然买不起,父亲提出给项链的主人做一个书架以换取那条项链。20A.laughing BscreamingCexciting Dcrying解析:选D根据上文内容可知,作者的那条项链意义特殊,对作者来说非常珍贵,老人把它和作者给他的五美元邮寄费一起寄来,作者忍不住哭(crying)起来了。.语法填空The Shudao connected Xian, in Shaanxi Province, to Sichuan in ancient times and is more than 3,000 years old.If an adventurous holiday is _1_ one is after, then a hike along Shudao shouldnt _2_ (miss)I hiked along the road last year.Certain parts of it were so narrow that even two slim people could _3_ (bare) pass each other.I _4_ (bend) over from time to time to avoid bumping my head against rocks on my left.Despite the rough ground, there are many _5_ (hide) delights appealing to tourists.Blue rivers and towering trees make up much of Shudaos landscape.The varied shapes of the clouds float low, _6_ (surround) the mountain in mist, which gives the road a fairytale touch.A middleaged man hiking along with us carried a big bamboo basket full of sand on his back.After taking _7_ break to catch his breath, he told us the sand was intended _8_ building work in higher mountains.Parting from the kind man, we headed for Zhaohua ancient town, distinguished for many historical
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