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口头通知与书面通知通知是告知人们参加活动的一种应用文。语言需简明扼要,讲清楚何人、何时、何地参加什么活动和注意事项即可。通知可分口头通知和书面通知两种。 口头通知的开头往往有称呼语(被通知的对象),如:“Boys and girls”,“Ladies and gentlemen”等,或用提醒听众注意的语句,如 “Your attention, please!”,“May I have your attention, please?”等,且最好有结束语,如:“Thank you(for listening)!” 以示礼貌。范例:Attention, please! 24 students from Canada will come to visit our school on July 25. They will arrive at 8.00 in the morning. We are to gather at 7.50 in the meeting room to give them a warm welcome, and then well hold a get-together. After that, well show them around our school. And well have lunch together in the school dining hall. In the afternoon some of the Canadian students will talk to us about their school. They will leave at 5.00 p.m. We should be polite and friendly to our guests.Thats all. Thank you. 书面通知通常上方正中写Notice或NOTICE。正文部分开门见山,直接点出主题。例如:We will hold a meeting on the playground at 8.00 a.m.。其格式多样,下面以左齐头式为例:NOTICEStudents over 16 are strongly encouraged to give blood tomorrow, 18 January, our Blood Donation Day. First-time donors under the age of 18 have to present a consent form signed by parents. The consent forms are available at the School Office. Please lend a helping hand to those in need.Students Union Jan 17, 2013
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