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Unit 18 Beauty Section Communication Workshop.语法填空1.She treated the orphan_her own child.答案:as2It is not easy to learn English well,but if you hang_,you will succeed in the end.答案:on3. So interested in the script based _the 25,000li Long March,he has decided to play the leading part.答案:on4(全国卷改编) I have seldom seen my mother_pleased with my progress as she is now.答案:so5We will do the physics experiment in the lab which is in_charge of Mr Smith.答案:the6It was extremely dark in the passage so he_(strike) a match.答案:struck7. To qualify yourself for this kind of new job,I recommend that you_(take) some online courses.答案:take8His leg was broken.It became _(evidence) that his football career would soon be over.答案:evident9As_as you are happy,it doesnt matter what you do.答案:long10Did you go dutch after that meal,I mean,with the other four friends?No,because it was my _that day.答案:treat.完成句子1_(稍等一会儿)Im not quite ready.答案:Hang on a minute2I dont know who is_(负责这个工程)答案:in charge of the project3_(我十分清楚) that he was not telling the truth.答案:It was evident to me 4I recommend _(乘飞机去) for a tour somewhere.答案:going by air5_(她突然想起) she left her keys on the bus.答案:It struck her that.完形填空Something unexpected happened to me recently.I guess that I was a_1_person.My cousin and I went out for lunch in an Italian restaurant.I planned to_2_her day,for she lost her husband a few weeks ago.Heres more of the_3_:My cousin has something wrong with her eyes,so she cant_4_clearly.And I have to use a walker because of my difficulty in walking.As we_5_the restaurant,we came across an old couple who were just leaving.They werent quite as old as we are,_6_they might have been in their sixties.The gentleman_7_the door for us and his wife helped.I_8_that there wouldnt be any tip coming,but I still thanked them for their help.A nice young man showed us to our_9_I think all of the Arizona people are ready to help the_10_.Then a young lady introduced herself as our_11_and added that she was in training.We looked over the menu and prepared to_12_.All of a sudden,the lady we_13_at the door appeared at our table.“Lunch is on me,” she said.Needless to say,we were_14_.Neither of us had ever experienced such a_15_offer.Soon the young waiter returned and handed us a gift card.The_16_had left us a gift card worth $125.Being longtime citizens of Arizona,we have got used to the kindness of strangers here,but this nice_17_was out of the ordinary.We want that_18_couple to know we will never_19_this,and that they can be_20_we will do what we can to help other people.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了在一家餐馆里,一对陌生的夫妇主动为两位年迈的老太太买单的故事。1A.luckyBcarefulCstrongDserious解析:由下文的内容可知,作者受到一对夫妇的帮助,所以她觉得自己是个“幸运的(lucky)”人。答案:A2A.enjoy BbrightenCspend Dcelebrate解析:作者的表姐夫几周前去世了,所以她约表姐出来吃饭,希望让她的心情好一些,故用brighten。答案:B3A.message BproblemCstory Dplan解析:由下文的内容可知,这句话引出了具体的“故事(story)”经过。答案:C4A.speak Bthink ChearDsee解析:由上一句My cousin has something wrong with her eyes可知,作者的表姐“看(see)”不清东西。答案:D5A.foundBdiscussedCenteredDremembered解析:由下文的A nice young man showed us.和Then a young lady introduced herself.以及We looked over the menu.可知,作者她们“走进(entered)”餐馆。答案:C6A.unless Bbut CifDuntil解析:那对夫妇虽然没有作者她们老,“但是(but)”也可能六十来岁了。答案:B7A.held BansweredCclosed Dshowed解析:由上文的As we_the restaurant,we came across an old couple who were just leaving可知,作者姐妹二人进门时,老夫妇正要出门,所以这里应该是老先生顺手为作者她们“扶着(held)”门。答案:A8A.suggestedBarguedCdoubtedDjoked解析:那对老夫妇也是来就餐的顾客而并非餐馆的服务员,所以对于他们的帮助作者只是“开玩笑说(joked)”没有小费。答案:D9A.tableBfoodCcar Dhome解析:由下文的We looked over the menu.可知,一个友善的年轻人把作者她们带到“餐桌(table)”前。答案:A10A.poor Bold CsickDinjured解析:来到饭店,作者受到了不少礼遇,再结合上文的They werent quite as old as we are,_they might have been in their sixties可知,作者觉得所有的亚利桑那人都乐意帮助“老人(old)”。答案:B11A.assistant Bguide Cserver Dcook解析:由下文作者二人开始点菜可知,这位年轻的女士是“服务员(server)”。答案:C12A.eat Bleave Crest Dorder解析:由We looked over the menu可知,作者她们看着菜单准备“点菜(order)”。答案:D13A.helped BmetCwelcomed Drecognized解析:突然,作者她们在门口“遇到(met)”的那位太太出现在她们的餐桌旁。答案:B14A.frightened BsatisfiedCamazed Ddisappointed解析:由上一句“Lunch is on me,”she said 可知,那位太太说午餐她请客,这让作者她们很是“吃惊(amazed)”。答案:C15A.low Bfinal Cformal Dgenerous解析:作者她们都没有遇到过这样“慷慨的(generous)”帮助。答案:D16A.restaurantBlady Ccouple Dcousin解析:门口遇到的那位太太说午餐她请客,于是服务员一会儿送来了一张卡,所以这张卡就是门口那对老“夫妇(couple)”留下的。答案:C17A.business Blesson CreportDgesture解析:作者她们长期生活在亚利桑那州,已经习惯了这里陌生的人们的友善行为,但是这次善意的“表示(gesture)”却不同寻常。答案:D18A.sh
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