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模块检测(一)时间:100分钟分数:120分第卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AHappy BirthdayThe China National Opera (CNO) will give a concert to celebrate its 50th birthday.Different generations of CNO vocalists, like Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei, will present the concert which will feature both songs from famous Chinese operas like The Whitehaired GM and The Hundred Bride, as well as, arias (咏叹调) of such western opera classics as Madame Butterfly, La Traviata and Rigoletto.Time/date: 7:30 pm, September 7, 8Location:Tianqiao TheatreTel: 65514787,83156170Tickets: 60500 yuan (US D|S7.260.2)Folk MusicA concert will be held to feature some recentlycomposed traditional Chinese music works. The concert, given by the Folk Orchestra of the China Opera and Ballet Theatre, will include such pieces as Memory of Childhood, Memorial Ceremony for God and Wine Song.Time/date: 7:30 pm, September 13Location: Concert hall at the National Library of ChinaTel: 68485462, 68419220Tickets: 30200 yuan (US D|S3.624.1) Moon MusicA concert of traditional Chinese music will be given on the eve of the Moon Festival.The concert will feature a number of famous pieces centred on the theme of the moon, such as Moonlight, Spring Night on a Moonlit River and Lofty Mountain and Flowing River.A number of popular traditional Chinese music performers, like Zhou Yaokun and Fan Weiqing, will play solos as well as cooperate with the folk music orchestra.Time/date: 7: 30 pm, September 21stLocation: Grand theatre of the Cultural Palace of NationalitiesTel: 66068888, 66069999Tickets. 40220 yuan (US $4.827)【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了一些音乐会和戏剧表演。1. If you want to buy tickets for listening to the music Memory of Childhood, you will dial _A65514787B68485462C83156170 D66069999解析:细节理解题。由Folk Music部分可知是Tel:68485462,68419220。答案:B2Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?ALi Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei stand for the same generation of CNO vocalists.BRigoletto is a famous piece on the theme of the moon.CLofty Mountain and Flowing River is a traditional Chinese music.DZhou Yaokun will play solos and Fan Weiqing will cooperate with the folk music orchestra.解析:细节理解题。由Moon Music部分第二段可知Lofty Mountain and Flowing River为中国的传统音乐。答案:C3In which column of a newspaper will the article be published?AEntertainment. BPeople.CCulture. DSports.解析:推理判断题。由文章可知,文中写有音乐、戏剧等,可以推出这样的文章是放在娱乐版面上的。答案:ABHello, this is your captain speaking.Okay, I lied. I dont sit in the cockpit (驾驶舱). I sit where you sit. And I fly a lot. So I would like to suggest ways we may meet when we are on the plane.Here are a few gentle suggestions:First, when you finally sit down, think before you push your seat back into the person behind you. Breaking kneecaps (膝盖骨) is for violent movies.Feet. As in bare feet. Dont do it. Maybe at home you like to take off your socks and plant your toes wherever you like, but not on a plane, okay? I recently sat next to a woman who stuck her bare feet on the cabin wall! Please.Unless youre SpiderMan and about to walk upside down,keep the shoes on, all right?Kids. Lets talk about kids. Kids love airplanes. Many cant believe they have a seat in front of them; they can kick all flight long, while mom and dad watch the movie.Please. Tell them to stop.And if youve got a crying baby at least pretend youre trying to keep him quiet. Dont hide behind a US Weekly.Also, once your kids stop crying, the plane should not hear from them again until they are old enough to beand actually arethe pilots. I recently had a little boy behind me who all flight long kept singing, at the top of his lungs,“GoGoGo.the cat in the hat!”I dont know this song,but I do know his mom did nothing to stop him.So there you go. With a little cooperation, we can all have a better year as passengers. Thank you for your attention. And now, as the captain says, sit back and relax.【语篇解读】作者以讥讽的口吻对飞机上的一些不礼貌、不雅观的行为提出了建议。4Who is the author most probably?AA captain. BA pilot.CAn airline employee. DAn airline passenger.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“Okay, I lied. I dont sit in the cockpit. I sit where you sit.”和最后一段的“we can all have a better year as passengers”可知,作者是一名普通的飞机乘客。答案:D5The author thinks the woman who put her bare feet on the cabin wall _Adisgusting BdirtyCcold Dboring解析: 推理判断题。作者斥责了在飞机上脱鞋脱袜的行为。举该妇女的例子也是为了说明这种行为让人厌恶。答案:A6According to the text, the author seems to _Adislike badlybehaved kidsBoppose kids travelling by airChope parents try to control their babiesDthink some parents shouldnt read newspapers解析:细节理解题。孩子在飞机上哭闹,父母要么看电影,要么看报纸,不予理睬。作者希望这些家长能照顾好自己的孩子,想办法让孩子保持安静。答案:C7What would be the best title for the text?ASay no to violenceBMind your own businessCMaking the flight a bit friendlierDSafety tips about travelling b
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