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Unit 9 Wheels Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.单句语法填空1.So far,the criminals_(discover) by the police.答案:have been discovered2Are you_(like) to be out late tonight?答案:likely 3Children should not be encouraged to rely_the electronic dictionaries as it will make them lazier.答案:on4He had a good _(impress) of the new style of the car.答案:impression5The Zhaozhou Bridge is an old bridge _(make) of stone.答案:made6They went _all the details of the plan again to make sure that the project would go smoothly.答案:through 7We _(learn) 2,000 English words so far.答案:have learned8I wrote him a letter to show my _(appreciate) of his thoughtfulness.答案:appreciation 9He is my only _(rely) friend whenever I was in trouble.答案:reliable10We were swimming in the river_suddenly the storm started.答案:when.完成句子1Nobody is willing to_(承担责任) the accident.答案:take the responsibility for2_(就我所知),he has learnt French.答案:As far as I know3What was your _(第一印象) Beijing.答案: first impression of 4_(如果我将不胜感激) you offered to help me.答案: I would appreciate it if5We cant _(指望) our parents to support us all the time.答案:rely on.完形填空Last weekend my husband and I began to put our garden to bed for the winter.By Saturday afternoon the last remaining task was to_1_the dahlia tubers (大丽花块茎)A hard frost last week had turned the dahlia leaves weak and black,quite_2_.As with many of our vegetables,this wasnt a(n)_3_year for dahlias.I got only a handful of_4_off a dozen beautifullooking plants.I thought if the plants could not flower,the tubers under the soil were likely in_5_shape;digging them up for next year seemed not worth the_6_.But_7_I changed my mind,cut back the_8_leaves,and put my spade (铁锹) into the soil.I was_9_to find a huge clump of healthy tubers,twice as big as any from last year.Even though the_10_were not good for flowering,the plants in that less lucky environment have_11_their energy silently and grown good fruits for us.Those dahlias got me thinking.For some farmers,2012 was not a good year;it has been one marked by_12_and uncertainty.Every month we heard of farms_13_because they could no longer afford to farm.Many others faced difficulties,and the stress was_14_.How easy it is to feel overwhelmed (被压垮的) by what we have suffered this year.Yet here we are,approaching Thanksgiving,a time when many of us hear the call to give_15_.The dahlias made me consider that when things are most difficult,when our best efforts have produced_16_,it is possible that something good yet grows in_17_,waiting quietly_18_the surface for its big day.This is the_19_of hope.It seems to me that in_20_times a sense of hope itself is a blessing that deserves to be valued.语篇解读作者认为今年大丽花开花少,因此块茎好不了。但事实证明大丽花的块茎非常健康,甚至比去年还大一倍。从这件事中作者得到启迪:就算我们身处困境,生活仍然有希望。1A.eat upBdig upCturn up Dhold up解析:根据上下文语境可知,作者与丈夫在整理花园,想把大丽花果实挖出来。答案:B2A.pretty BsurprisingCunattractive Duseful解析:根据前面的A hard frost last week had turned the dahlia leaves weak and black可知,冬天就要来了,而且刚刚下了霜,因此大丽花叶子自然干枯打蔫,并不是很好看。答案:C3A.creative BunluckyCgood Dhopeless解析:根据下文内容可知,作者认为今年对于大丽花来说,不是一个好年景。答案:C4A.seeds BfruitsCleaves Dflowers解析:根据上下文语境尤其是I thought if the plants could not now flower可猜测,因为年景不好,大丽花植株周围的落花应该很少。答案:D5A.perfect BpoorCbeautifiul Dstrange解析:既然花开的很少,作者当然认为其果实(大丽花的块茎)的大小和形状不可能很好。答案:B6A.spirit BtroubleCspace Dmoney解析:根据上文可知,作者认为既然大丽花块茎不好,那么就不值得自找麻烦,费劲把它们挖出来了。答案:B7A.otherwise BthereforeCeventually Dbesides解析:根据下文可知,作者虽然不看好大丽花,但是最后还是决定把它们的块茎挖出来。otherwise否则;therefore因此;eventually最终;besides除此之外。因此只有C符合语境。答案:C8A.dead BfreshCnew Dnice解析:根据前文可知,刚刚下了霜,大丽花叶子干枯打蔫了,因此不可能看起来光鲜亮丽,只有dead符合语境。答案:A9A.disappointed BfrightenedCinterested Dsurprised解析:根据下文可知,大丽花的块茎非常健康,甚至比去年还大一倍,因此这个情景出乎作者的意料,故选surprised。答案:D10A.conditions BstonesCfields Dscenes解析:根据下文可知,这里指今年的各方面条件不利于大丽花开花。答案:A11A.discovered BsavedCwasted Dconsumed解析:尽管在极其恶劣的环境下,大丽花依然设法保存能量,结出了好的果实。答案:B12A.hardship BdelightChate Dcomfort解析:根据上文For some farmers,2012 was not a good year可知,对许多农户来说,今年很不景气,故艰苦(hardship)更符合语境。答案:A13A.repairing BclosingCbuilding Ddesigning解析:根据上下文可知,年景不好,因此许多农场都经营不下去而破产了,其它选项与语境不符。答案:B14A.helpful BnervousCcomfortable Dpainful解析:很多其他人还要面对各种困难,压力很大,这肯定令人们痛苦不堪。答案:D15A.thanks BtalksCwishes Dlessons解析:根据上文可知,感恩节快要到了,这是一个人们彼此表达感恩的时候,因此选A。答案:A16A.little BmuchCnone Dsome解析:这里是作者就大丽花的事件得到的启迪:就算我们付出了极大的努力,收获却很少,生活仍然存有希望。答案:A17A.honor BsilenceCsurprise Dhope解析:根据后面的quietly可知,这里指
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