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Unit 9 Wheels Section Communication Workshop,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board.单句语法填空1Can you give an example to show how useful a computer is?Sure.A large number of people _(get) plenty of_(inform) from it every day.答案:get;information2The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be three times_big_the present one.答案:as;as3Who else except a millionaire could afford_(use) such an expensive car.答案:to use4Maybe you have been to many countries,but nowhere else_you_(find) such a beautiful place.答案:can;find5Mr Wang is a_(frequence) visitor to my shop.答案:frequent6Its important for the figures_(update) regularly.答案:to be updated7. Tickets are_(avail) free of charge at the entrance _the theatre.答案:available;to8How much _(practice) experience do you have of working with computers?答案:practical9Was it on a lonely island_he was saved one month after the boat went down?答案:that10Tom took a taxi to the airport,only_(find) his plane high up in the sky.答案:to find.完成句子1孩子想要什么就给他什么是不明智的。_give a child whatever he wants.答案:It is unwise to2大多数被邀请来参加晚会的人是我的老朋友。Most of the people _were my old friends.答案:invited to the party3直到那时我才意识到自己错了。It was _I realised that I was wrong.答案:not until then that4玛丽未能通过任何一门考试,这让她父母非常生气。Mary failed all her exams,_both her parents very angry.答案:making.完形填空When my husband and I got married,he worked as a mechanic (机修工) from midnight to 8 am.However,I worked during the_1_.So as he came home from work each morning,I was getting ready to_2_.We had very little_3_then, so when Valentines Day came around that first year,I knew we couldnt_4_anything for each other.After he left to go to work the night before Valentines Day,I decided to_5_and make a Valentines Day card for him.I_6_wrote a poem on the front of the card.When he came home the next_7_,I felt foolish as I handed him the card,_8_that he wouldnt laugh at it.When he had finished_9_it,he slowly raised his head and looked at me.Then he reached down into his pocket.When he pulled his_10_out,he was holding_11_.He told me that he had_12_it for me during his lunch hour,but he had been_13_to give it to me because he thought I might think it was_14_,and that I might laugh at it.It was a small heart made out of aluminum (铝)_15_I had stayed up all night making him a valentine card,he had been cutting out a_16_for me.I still have the aluminum heart,and I_17_it in my desk.Every time I see it,all those_18_come flooding back to me.Over the years,weve been able to buy each other very nice,_19_presents for Valentines Day.But none has ever been as dear or _20_as much as those handmade gifts made from our hearts the first year that we were married.语篇解读 本文是记叙文。在结婚后的第一年,作者和丈夫由于经济拮据都没钱给对方买情人节礼物,于是他们决定自己动手做礼物。1A.day BnightCweekend Dholiday答案:A2A.cook BleaveCrest Dhelp解析:根据上句中作者丈夫的工作时间“from midnight to 8 am”及随后的转折词“However”可推测作者是在“白天(day)”工作,所以当丈夫每天早晨下班回家的时候,作者已经准备“出门(leave)”了。答案:B3A.time BchanceCmoney Denergy答案:C4A.buy BchooseCfind Dborrow解析:根据下文不难推测作者夫妇当时没有多少“钱(money)”,所以他们“买(buy)”不起情人节的礼物。答案:A5A.look out Bcall backCslow down Dstay up解析:根据本句中的“the night before Valentines Day”可知作者决定“熬夜(stay up)”给丈夫做情人节卡片。下段中的“stayed up”也提示了本题答案。答案:D6A.still Bonly Ceven Dagain解析:除了卡片,作者“甚至(even)”还写了一首诗。答案:C7A.morning BnoonCafternoon Devening解析:第一段中的“from midnight to 8 am”及“as he came home from work each morning”提示了本题答案。答案:A8A.imagining BhopingCguessing Dnoticing解析:作者觉得自己这样做很愚蠢,所以才会“希望(hoping)”丈夫不要笑话她。答案:B9A.studying BreadingCexamining Dplaying解析:作者把卡片递给丈夫后,丈夫自然是在“看(reading)”卡片及卡片上面的诗。答案:B10A.hand Bfoot Carm Dleg解析:根据上一句“Then he reached down into his pocket”及本句中的“holding”可知能伸进口袋又可以握着东西的应该是“手(hand)”。答案:A11A.everything BanythingCnothing Dsomething解析:根据下段中的“It was a small heart made out of aluminum”可知丈夫手里拿着用铝刻出来的桃心,故此处用something指代这颗桃心。答案:D12A.written BdrawnCmade Dinvented解析:根据下段中的“made out of”及“cutting”可知作者的丈夫利用午饭休息时间给作者“做(made)”礼物。答案:C13A.surprised BhappyCangry Dafraid答案:D14A.wrong BdifficultCdangerous Dsilly解析:根据本段中作者的担心“I felt foolish.he wouldnt laugh at it”可推测作者夫妇的担心是一样的,都“害怕(afraid)”对方认为自己的礼物很“傻(silly)”,笑话自己。答案:D15A.Before BThoughCWhile DIf解析:此处将作者熬夜给丈夫做卡片和丈夫给作者做桃心进行对比,故while符合此处语境。 答案:C16A.heart BcardCtoy Dbook解析:本段及下段中的“heart”提示了本题答案。答案:A17A.change Bkeep Ccut Ddivide解析:根据下句“Every time I see it”可知作者把这颗桃心放在了桌子里“保存(keep)”。答案:B18A.problems BpainsCmemories Dchoices解析:上文是作者的回忆,故memories符合此处语
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