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A few students are running around the playgroundClass_ Grade_ Group_ Name_教师寄语:只要你肯下决心并付诸行动,你一定会赢在起跑线上的!课型:预习+展示课Title: Unit 5 Our School Life(我们的学校生活)Topic 2 :A few students are running around the playground.(一些学生正绕着操场跑步。)Section: C (1a-2c) (P13-P14) 一课时Teaching steps (教学过程):(5)(我会做) 在预习的基础上自主完成下列各题,各组派 C层次的学生上台展示学习成果。(在二次铃时完成,学习组长组织并检查评定)1、根据音标写单词,并翻译成汉语,然后组内学习。/ERAUnd / _( ) /fju:/ _( )/geIM/_ ( ) /E/fju:/ _( ) /sIt/ _( ) / piN-PON/_( ) /Lesn/ _( ) /raIt / _( ) /blQKBO:(R)d/ _ ( ) /drO:/ _ ( )/pIKtSE(R)/ _( ) /Qt/DE/BQK/O:v/_ ( )(1) 1.学习并掌握本节课单词。 2.能够熟练使用现在进行时。3. 能够正确使用一些介词短语,如:on the playground(在操场上) , in the gym(在体育馆),in the classroom(在教室里), at the back of (在、的后面)4. 会用现在进行时来表达活动。学习重点、难点: 1、正确使用介词短语 2、用现在进行时来描述活动 (20)(我最棒)1、 自主学习P13的1a, 然后写出下列动词的现在分词形式(即V.-ing 形式)run_ have _ play_sit_ swim_ dance_read_ do_ write_2、 根据你对1a文章的理解,翻译下列句子。1) A few students are running around the playground._2) Some students are having a soccer game. _3) Your classmates are not having lessons. _4) Is Wang Wei doing his homework? _5) Sally is cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom. _3、 根据1a的短文, 完成P13的1b (把学生的活动连线)。4、 用横线画出1a中的be+v.-ing 结构,然后大声地读一读。Example :(如) Some students are having a soccer game.(10)(我参与) 1. 还记得现在进行时的知识吗?现在让我们一起回忆一下前面的知识吧! 现在进行时的肯定句结构:主语+_+_+其他. 否定句结构是:主语+_+_+_+其他。 一般疑问句:_+主语+_+其他? 特殊疑问句:_+_+主语+_+其他? 2现在请你看到P14页的2a,根据图片内容,仿造第一幅图,把后面5幅图的内容补充完整。再用现在进行时的4种句型模仿下面的例句对图片进行对话练习,然后选择其中一幅图写下来。 如: A:Hello. B: Hello. A: Is the boy cleaning the blackboard? B: No, he isnt. A: What is the boy doing? B: He is drawing pictures. A: Oh, I see. The boy isnt cleaning the blackboard. He is drawing pictures. _(4)(我能行)1、记住本节课的重点单词及句型。2、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。(5)(我会做) 1. 单项选择 1)_ Jack reading in the library?” Yes, he is. A. Does B. Is C. Are 2) Look! Jim and Mary _ the classroom. A. is cleaning B. are cleaning C. clean 3) _ he making cards now? In his room. A. What B. Where C. Wheres 4) Would you like to dance? _ A. Thanks. B. Good idea! C. Youre welcome!2. 翻译句子。 1)萨莉正在教室里读书。_ 2) 他们正在体育馆做什么?_ 3) 他正在操场上踢足球。_ 4) 他们是在电话里交谈吗? Are they _ _ the telephone?1、现在进行时的相关句型:1. 肯定:主语+be(am/is/are)+ V-ing. 2. 否定:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+ V-ing. 3. 一般疑问句:Be +主语+ V-ing ? 4. 对现在分词即V-ing 提问:Whats/Whatre doing ? 2、介词短语:介词和介词宾语一起构成的短语叫介词短语。如:on the playground(在操场上) , on the telephone (在电话中) in the gym(在体育馆),in the classroom(在教室里),in the dinging hall (在餐厅里),at the back of (在、的后面), at the Lost and Found (在失物招领处)七、课后反思1、我今天学到了什么知识?_2、这节课我的表现( ) A、很好 B、好 C、一般D、有待改进 漫画乐园
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