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Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music .一、学习目标1、掌握下列单词:musician, centre, European, classical, century, composer, elder, waltz, dance music ,another, piece, poor, perfect, sad2、能理解课文,抓住主旨大意。3、了解常见乐器的英语表达方式,了解西方音乐。4、培养学生阅读有关音乐以及人物介绍的文章的能力。二、学习重点本单元的重点单词和短语三、学习难点了解常见乐器的英语表达方式,了解西方音乐课前预习预习自测翻译下列重点单词、短语:音乐家 经典的 又一个欧洲的 年长 完美的在的中心 遍及 不仅而且带领某人参观 数以百计的核心句型:在斯特劳斯家族,有两个名叫约翰.斯特劳斯的作曲家,他们是两父子。In the Strauss family , _ two composers _ Johann Strauss : the father and the son .他的舞曲使他闻名整个欧洲。His dance music _ _ _ all over Europe .在他六岁以前,他不仅会弹钢琴,还会拉小提琴。_ he was six , he played not only the piano _ _ the violin .但是他变得很贫困,于1791年去世,当时年仅35岁。But he _ very poor and died in 1791 _ he was only 35 .他的家人带他游遍欧洲并在多个城市举办音乐会。His family _ him _ Europe and _ _ in many cities .我的疑惑:_课内探究学习任务:Task1 第一遍读课文,段落匹配段落大意 。 Para.1 A.the Strauss family Para.2 B. Mozart Para.3 C. ViennaTask 2第二遍读课文,分如下三步完成。阅读技巧:抓关键词,首先确定任务所在的段落。读课文第一段完成句子。Its a _ old city on the river Danube.ViennaIts the_ city of Austria.In the 18th a lot of _ came here.(2) 读课文第二段回答问题。 What made Johann Strauss the elder famous all over Europe? _ Johann Strauss the younger was also successful, wasnt he? _(3) 读课文第四段填表格。 温馨提示:关注数字!Time What happened to Mozart?In1756He was_.Before he was sixHe played the _and violin .In _He died.当堂检测Retelling: 借助Task2 复述课文。课后反思课后练习一、用所给词的正确形式填空:Liu Huan is a great _ ( music ) .They wanted to know more about _ ( Europe ) history .Mozart was a famous _ ( compose ) .I went to watch the movie _ ( call ) The Amazing Spider-man .超凡蛛蛛侠.He has an _ ( old ) brother and a _ ( young ) sister in his family .In his life he wrote _ ( hundred ) of wonderful pieces of music .Betty likes both _ ( tradition ) Western music and pop music .Most young people like _ ( live ) songs and rock music .The music by Johann Strauss is really _ ( wonder ) .Xian Xinghai became _ ( success ) when he came back to China .二、完成下列填空题。1. The older Strausss _ (华尔兹) made him famous all over Europe.2. He lives _ _ _ _ (在中心) the city. 3. My _ (大) sister often helps my _ (小) brother.4. The boy _ (死) of TB (肺结核) last year. He has _ _ for a year, but his parents still feel sad for his_ (死). 5. There are _ _ (数以百计)people helping the poor girl.6.The younger Strauss wrote o_ 150 waltzes.
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