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Unit 2 I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 【学习目标】1.通过读短文,了解“中秋节”的相关知识。 2.掌握宾语从句的用法。【自主学习】预习课本第3页的单词和短文,初步理解短文含义。【自学检测】 一、.组内听写本页单词。二、.在文中找出下列动词,并写出动词的形式 - -been , - - shot , -gave- , - -drank - ,steal- - , - became - , - -found , - -laid 三、.短语翻译(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。)1.月满,情浓_ 2. 的形状_ 3. 满月_4. 在中秋之夜_ 5. 寄托人们对的祝福 6. 传统的民间故事 7. 最令人感动的 8. 射下 9.仙丹 10. 长生不老 11. 因而佩服某人 12. 拒绝做某事 13. 飞向 14.大声呼喊的名字 15. 摆开 16. 赏月 17. 和分享 定向导学互动展示 【自学指导】151.快速阅读课文,完成3a任务并交流意见2.听读课文,纠正发音,模仿语音语调、句群停顿3.仔细阅读课文,完成3b任务并核对答案4.默读课文第1段,回答问题:How long have people celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival ?Do we celebrate it during the day or at night?5.默读课文第2段,判断正误:( ) There is only one traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival.( ) A goddess gave HouYi magic medicine before he shot down the nine suns ( ) Change refused to give the medicine to HouYi and drank it all( ) One night, FengMeng found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.( ) Change quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.6. 朗读课文努力记住课文内容,不看书完成3c任务【合作探究】81.组内交流3a.2.组内纠正3b、3c、自学指导答案。【小组展示】101.小组推荐展示朗诵课文。2.小组推荐展示复述课文。【语法聚焦】5 直接引语变间接引语(三)-句型变化句型: 直接引语如果是陈述句,间接引语应改为由that引导的宾语从句。eg:She said, “Our bus will arrive in five minutes.” She said that their bus would arrive in five minutes. 直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句。 eg:He said, “Can you swim, John?” He asked John if he could swim. “You have finished the homework, havent you?” My mother asked. My mother asked me whether I had finished the homework. “Do you go to school by bus or by bike?” He asked me if I went to school by bus or by bike. 直接引语如果是特殊问句,间接引语应该改为由疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句(宾语从句必须用陈述句语序)。 eg:She asked me, “When do they have their dinner?” She asked me when they had their dinner.直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg等)sb.(not) to do sth.”句型。eg:“Dont make any noise,” she said to the children. She told (ordered) the children not to make any noise. “Bring me a cup of tea, please,” said she. She asked him to bring her a cup of tea. 直接引语如果是以“Lets”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest +动名词(或从句)。”eg:He said, “ Lets go to the film.” He suggested going to the film. He suggested that they should go to see the film.【拓展提升】1.时间: 7 2.训练方式: 独立,自主完成 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: ( )1.The girls asked if they _ some food and drink with them. A. took B. take C. takes D. will take ( )2 Kate said that she _ to Guangzhou. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been ( )3The students want to know whether they_ dictation today. A. had B. has C. will have D. are ( )4 She asked Linda if_ go and get some. A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may ( )5 Linda said the moon_ round the earth. A. travelled B. has travelled C. travels D. had travelled ( )6. Can you tell me_ you were born, Betty? A. who B. what C. when D. that ( )7. I dont know _ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where ( )8. I hardly understand._ he has told me. A. that B. what C. which D. who ( )9. She didnt know_ back soon. A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be ( )10. I dont know _ he still lives here after so many years. A. whether B where C. what D. when【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得: 今日不足:
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