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Unit 2 Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems 【学习目标】1. 继续学习并掌握直接引语和间接引语的用法;2.学习表达责备和抱怨。【预习案】在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.看起来很虚弱_2.自打上个星期到现在_3.排放有害气体_4.make my chest hurt_5.另外_6.产生很多噪音_7.睡得好_8.心情糟糕_9.不能忍受这样的环境_10.河里的死鱼_11.尽快解决这一问题_12.引起许多麻烦_13.给报社写信_14.感觉好些_ 15.感觉更难受_16.这周边的环境._17.direct speech_18.indirect speech_19.给同学们做报告_20.几年前_21.discuss the following questions in groups_22.在采访的结尾_23.排放废水或气体_【探究案】 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.Whats wrong with you? 思考:同义句1)_2)_3)_2.How long have you been like this? 译:_点拨:how long-多长时间,谓语动词必须为延续性动词。区别:when-什么时间, 谓语动词多为短暂性动词。练习:1) -_have you learned English? -Since two years ago. 2) -_did you start to learn English? -Two years ago.链接:用how much / how many / how soon / how often / how far / how heavy / how tall / how wide填空1)_ _ is Xinxiang from Zhengzhou? About 70km.2)_ _do you play computer games? Twice a week. 3) _ _does the huge stone weigh? About 10 tons.4) _ _ is the Great Wall? It is wide enough to permit(允许) five or six horses to stand side by side.5) _ _is Yao Ming? He is 2.26 meters.6) _ _will you come back from your hometown. In two weeks. 7) _ _ brothers and sisters do you have? A brother and a sister.8) _ _ money do you want? The more, the better.3.The bad air makes my chest hurt. 译:_点拨:hurt - 感到疼痛(不及物动词) 拓展:1)弄伤,弄疼(及物动词) 2)受伤的(形容词)练习:a. I hurt my foot in the door. 译:_ b.He is badly hurt. 译:_ c. The strong light makes my eyes hurt. 译:_4.I cant stand the environment here. 译:_点拨:stand - 承受,容忍,经受,常与can / could连用。 拓展:1)stand sth./sb.-忍受某人/某事 2)stand doing sth. 忍受做某事 3)stand sb./sth. doing sth.忍受某人/物做某事a)我无法忍受他的错误。 I _ _ _ _.b)他总是做傻事,我真受不了他。He always _ _ _, I really _ _ _.c)我无法忍受等你这么久。I _ _ _ _ you _ _.d)他不能忍受人们乱丢垃圾。He _ _ people _ litter _.5.Anyway, I hope the government will solve this problem soon. 译:_点拨:anyway-无论如何,不管怎样, 一般用于句首,后用逗号隔开。练习:1)无论如何,我将帮你完成这项工作。译:_ 2)Anyway thanks. 译:_ - 同义句:_【归纳】I. 汉译英1. 我们尽最大努力让我们学校保持干净、整洁。 We do _ best to _ our school clean and tidy. 2. 在考试中,你越细心,出的错误就越少。 In the exam, the _ you are, the _mistakes youll make. 3. 白色污染影响我们城市的外貌。 White pollution _ the _ of our city. 4. 那个人和乞丐差不多。 That man is _ than a beggar.5. 我爸爸入党已经二十年了。 My father has _ a Party member _ more than twenty years. II. 把下列句子翻译成汉语1. I decided to give the chest to the fisherman.2. My goodness! The pretty rabbit fell into the dirty water.3. He has been deaf for ten years.4. The secretary of the president managed to stop the pollution.5. I cant stand you any more!III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Taking _ (drug) is harmful to peoples health.2. Milk often _(mention) his good friends to us when we get together. 3. Uncle Wangs pet dog _ (dead) the day before yesterday.4. I feel _ (excite) to hear the exciting news. 5. If anyone always listens to an MP3, he or she may be d_ easily.IV. 按要求变化下列各句1. Michaels father said that he would go to New York the next day. (改为直接引语) Michaels father _.2. I asked Jim, “Do you enjoy your life here?” (改为间接引语) I asked him _.3. Kangkang bought the nice watch last year. (用since改为现在完成时态) Kangkang _ since last year.
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