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Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left【课前热身】 1、登陆地球 _ 2、数以千计的 _3、停止种植 _ 4、全国 _5、被卖完 _ 6、曾经被邀请 _7、和他结婚 _ 8、有一个幸福的结局 _【知识点拨】1. (1)announce 意思是“宣布”,常指首次公开或正式宣布人们关心的某件事情。The new government announced its policy at once.新政府立即宣布了它的政策。2. (1)there would be是there be的过去将来时,也可表示为“there was going to be”或“there were going to be”,意为“过去将有”。3. One April Fools day, 在愚人节那天。 4. A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fools Day. (P80)从前,有位著名的电视明星在愚人节那天邀请他的女友参加他的演出。本句中的show用作名词,表示“演出”,“展览”。5. have been bought是现在完成时的被动语态,其构成为:hashave been+过去分词。Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.人造卫星已被许多国家发射到太空。现在完成时被动语态结构中有两个过去分词,其中hashave为助动词,因此其各种句型转换均应借助于hashave来完成。构成否定句时直接在 hashave后面加not,构成一般疑问句时将hashave提前。Has this bridge been finished? 这座桥竣工了吗? His homework hasnt been finished. 他的家庭作业还没有写完。【任务活动】Task 1. (3a) Read the articles and tell which is trueTask 2. (3b)Write a story about Nick Task 3. (3c)Write about a joke you played on someone【梯度练习】 能力提升一、 完成单词1. I was waiting for the school bus but it didnt come. Then I r_ it was Saturday.2. I woke up late this morning. I had to really r_ to get to school on time.3. Theres a good TV show tonight but its at 1:00 am. I dont want to s_ up that late.4. Sally i_ me to her birthday party. Its at her house on Saturday.5. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt s_ up. 二用以下形容词填空embarrassed,embarrassing, convincing, exhausted On April Fools Day, I was invited to a costume party. But when I got there , I found that I was the only person wearing a costume. I was so _ that I didnt know what to say at the moment. What an _ joke! Then, my friend told me we would have a math test the next day. What he said was so _that I believed him. But I found out that my friend fooled me. I was _because I had stayed up all night studying. How angry I was!三翻译1. 当我意识到他是一个小偷时,他已经走了。By the time I _ he was a thief, he _ already _.2. 汤姆不如比尔跑的快。Tom _ run _ quickly _ Bill.3. 不幸的是我把护照忘在酒店了。Unluckily, I _ my passport _ the hotel.4. 校长宣布考试成绩。The headmaster_ the _ of the exam. 5. 计算机太有用了,我们每个人都想买一台。The computer is _ _ _each of us _ to buy one.6. The little girl was so tired that she couldnt walk farther.=The little girl was _ tired _ _ farther.7. He spoke so clearly that I could hear him.=He spoke _ _ _ _ to hear him.【课后作业】A组:1.Copy new words 2. .抄写3a(1.1)B组:1. Copy new words 2.熟读或背诵3a【教师反思】【学生反思】
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