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Module 4 Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone学习目标1. 知识目标: To learn new expressions and vocabulary。2能力目标:To write some rules and suggestions about sth。3情感目标:提高文化素质和环保意识学习关键The usage of “must/have to/should/can/may/ought”.学习活动预习自测:1.My coat is h_ in the bedroom .2.He was shocked(震惊)by the s accident.3.You must s_ in when you come to the centre.4When we go camping we should put up a t .5. B started out of the wound.6. . She had to stand s_ while there was so much traffic going and coming around her. 7. With a s_ noise, the earthquake happened. 8. The policeman made a g_ to ask the driver to stop the car.精彩课堂Step1 Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the questions in groups. Step2 Complete the passage with the given first letter.On our first day trip, all of us felt t_1_ and soon fell asleep at night. In the mid-night, there was a strange n_2_ outside. I went out, but there was n_3_. In the morning, we f_4_ the bag of food was open. We thought there were bears. We d_5_ to hang the food in a tree. During the night the bears c_6_ back. This time they took the food from the tree. The next day, I went for a walk in the f_7_. Unluckily, I saw a bear. I stood very s_8_. I was so frightened that I didnt even turn my h_9_. I have never r_10_ so fast, back to my friends.Step3 Book open. Read the passage silently and finish activity 3. Check answers in groups. Step4 Read again in details and answer the questions in activity 2.Step5 Find out these phrases 1. 入睡 2. 向外面看 3. 发出噪音 4. 伸手去摸 5. 转过去 6. 支起,架起 7. 阻止做某事 8.首先,最重要的是 9.在半夜 10. 收拾好 11.转身 Step6. 重点精析1.On our first evening, the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours.在本句中,the用在数词前,表示特指.the three of us 指的是“我们三个人”(一共就三个人)。而three of us 则说的是“我们中的三个”(不止三个人)。如(1).They have eight people in the team. 小组中有八个人(2).The eight of them all know only good teamwork will enable them to get the job on time.这八个人都知道只有团结协作他们才能按时完成任务。(3).There are ten people in the office and eight of them are women.办公室里有十个人,其中八个是女士。1. keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事keep sb doing sth 使某人一直处于某种状态keep doing sth 不断地做某事,总是做某事2. see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(强调看到动作正在进行)see sb do sth 看见某人做某事(强调看到了动作的全过程)3. For the next 10 days, every time there was a sudden noise, my blood went cold.这里go意为“处于(某种状态,尤指令人生厌的状态)”,后面可以接形容词。如:It is so hot and the food can easily go bad. 当堂达标题1 单项选择1. climb the tree. It is dangerous.A. DoesntB. NotC. DontD. Isnt2. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it .A. dryB. openC. cleanD. quiet3. Its a good habit breakfast every day.A. hadB. haveC. hasD. to have4. My grandma is ill. I have to _ her at home. A. look forB. look upC. look atD. look after 5. Must I return the book tomorrow morning?No, you _. You can keep it longer.A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. couldnt6. Bob, may I your MP4?Sure. But youd better not it to others.A. lend; lendB. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrowD. borrow; lend7. Must I finish the work tonight? No, you . But you finish it tomorrow.A. cant; needB. mustnt; may C. neednt; mustD. mustnt; can8. _ interesting the storybook is! Yes. I have read it twice.A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an9. We be late for school.A. have toB. dont have toC. had better notD. had better not to10. Who is singing in the next room? It be Lucy. She likes singing at this time.A. canB. mustC. mustntD. Should11. Would you like ? No, Ive just had some bread.A. something to drinkB. something to eatC. anything to drinkD. anything to eat12.Kate, Im going on business. Please look after well.Dont worry, Mom. I will.A. herselfB. myselfC. yourselfD. himself13. Do you know _? Yes, I do. He went by skateboarding!A. whether Paul will go or notB. when will Paul go to the partyC. how Paul went to the partyD. how did Paul go to the party14. I think drinking milk is good _ our health.A. forB. toC. withD. at15. Look at the sign “No smoking!” You smoke here. OK. .A. cant; I wontB. mustnt; I will C. wont; It doesnt matterD. mustnt; I wont二.阅读理解Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. You shouldnt waste this wonderful opportunity to lear
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