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Module 12 Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved一、教学内容: Unit1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.二、课型:Listening and speaking三、教学目标: 1、能正确运用词汇及短语:factory, pollute, recycle. waste, enemy, crop. kill, oil, less, hopeless2、语法 :能够向别人提出环保的建议。3、能听懂有关环保的日常对话并获取信息。4、能够自如地谈论环保等话题。5、能够简单介绍环保措施,劝说人们增强环保意识。四 教学重难点:1、能听懂有关环保的日常对话并获取信息 2、能够了解构词法。五 教学准备:查找资料,制作多媒体课件六 预习要求:根据音标自学本课新单词。七 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3)Lead in1. Ask students if they have felt the pollution in daily life and talk about it2. Let the students see some pictures about the pollution to give some advice.3. Let the students watch a video about the pollution.4. Show some pictures of pollution.5. Then introduce the title.1Students talk about their experience about the pollution.2. Students see the pictures and watch a video about the pollution.3. 4. Students talk about the pollution. And get them to learn some new words.通过展示有关环境污染的图片和视频,引发学生进行讨论,自然导出本课关于日常环保的表达,进而进入标题。Step TwoPre-task(5)Task1 Check the new words.1. Show some pictures of the new words, let the students say them out quickly. The first one to say it is the winner.2. Ask one little teacher to teach the students to read the new words.1. Stand up and say out the new words quickly. Try to be the first one.2. Students read the new words together after the little teacher.展示有关图片,并引导学生谈论ppt上的图片,检查学生对词汇的掌握程度,训练学生的表达能力,通过图片、情景学单词,做到词不离句。Step ThreeWhile-task (20)Task2 Do activity 11.Show two pictures of . Ask the students to talk about them by using the words given.2 Free TalkTeacher talks with the students like these: T:Pollution is our great enemy, and we have to fight it. What kind of pollution can you see in our daily life?S: Air pollution, water.T: What should we do to save our world?S: We should.Then let the students talk in pairs.Task 3 Listening(Activity 2)Ask the students to listen and complete the sentences. Then check the answers.Task4 Listening(Activity 3)1. Play the tape, ask students to fill in the blanks.Pollution is our great_, such as rivers, _and cars.Every class in green school collects_ which can be _or used again. 2 .Check their answers.Task 4 Reading(Activity 3)1. Ask the students to read the conversation and finish Activity3 2. Call back the answers.Task 5 Practice reading.1. Organize the students to read the conversation with the video. 2.Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation. 3. Organize the students to have a competition: Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group.Task 6 Solve the language points(1).Organize students to read the conversation again and find the language points. Let them discuss in groups and solve their problems.(2).Ask three little teachers to help the students solve their problems.Task 7 Dialogue showHave the Ss act out the dialogue.Task 8 ExercisesSummary all the language points. Give more samples.1.Look at the two pictures. Try to talk about them.2 Have a Free TalkWork in pairs.S1: The air pollution in our city is getting worse.What can we do to stop it?S2:I think we can ride our bicycle to school more.S1: What else?S2: We can also walk to school.Students listen and complete the sentences.1) The factory is causing a lot of pollution2. There should be some rules to stop the pollution.3. We can recycle waste products, such as glass and paper in a recycling centre.1. Listen to the tape and and choose the right answerenemy, factorieswaste, recycles2. Give the answers.1. Students read the conversation and finish Activity3 2. Give the answers.1.Student read the conversation with the video.2. Then practice in groups.3. have a competition: Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group. (1). Students read the conversation again and find the language points. Discuss in groups and solve their problems.(2)Little teachers come to the front and help other students solve the language points, the other students listen carefully and note .Ss act out the dialogue.Listen and note. Do some exercises.结合现今社会的环保问题,通过展示日常生活中污染的图片,以小组讨论来活跃课前气氛,使他们对本课学习内容产生兴趣,为本课Activity 3的学习做铺垫。再以Free Talk的形式,让同学们讨论日常生活中有哪些常见问题和解决方法。训练学生听力能力。帮助学生掌握课本知识,训练学生听力能力。把活动三的练习作为阅读训练习题,给学生充足先学先理解的时间,有利于下阶段的授课。通过观看课本视频代替枯燥乏味的凭空想象,同时获取正确的语音语调。通过小组内朗读,互相纠正错误,培养团结合作精神。小组合作探究,共同完成学习任务,培养他们自主学习的能力。通过小老师讲解语言点,让学生更有兴趣进一步理解课文内容。通过让学生表演课文的对话,来达到任务输出的目的,这是整节课的高潮部分,让学生在情境中进行交际,可以很好地提高学生英语语言的综合运用能力。教师补充讲解本课难点,起画龙点睛的作用。Step FourPost-task(9)Task 9 Retelling1. Ask the students to complete the passage. Get the Ss to retell the conve
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