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Unit 2 Changes in LifeLesson 1 My Task Is to Report the Changes in Education ( 第一课时 )一 教材简介1.英语(新世纪版) New Century English 九年级第二学期(试用本)上海外语教育出版社2.本节课是lesson 1的第一课时,即My Task Is to Report the Changes in Education的教学,这一部分是的主题是生活中的变化。课文创设了记者采访的情景,通过Sue的介绍,以今昔对比的方式,展现了在学生眼中几年来学校生活的诸多变化。二 学情分析九年级学生三教学目标(一) 知识与技能1. 学生能根据图片及相关提示回答并完成问题,对于学校生活的变化有一定了解.2. 理解Text中语篇的内容;能生动地表演Text中语篇的内容,并能在生活中运用新授的内容.3. 联系实际, 在生活上学会提供帮助和接受帮助.(二) 过程和方法 4.学生能体会并总结出提供帮助和接受帮助的口语: A: Would you like me to lend you my video camera?B: Thats very sweet of you. Thanks a lot. (三) 情感态度和价值观5.在英语学习的阶段,给学生提供舞台,培养学生认真听,大胆模仿的好习惯。四 教学重难点1.关键词:From the text: replace, remarkable, Whats up? envy, be in charge of, actually, adopt, seem, brilliant, in detail, be divided into, focus on, be available2.功能:(1)to talk about changes in teaching facilities and teaching methodsThe old school buildings have been replaced by new onesA new science lab has just been set upNew teaching methods have been adopted(2)to express and respond to offersBy the way, would you like me to lend you my video camera?Thats very sweet/kind of you. Thanks a lot.五 教学方法 情景教学法六 教学手段 多媒体(录音机或教学光盘) 小组活动七 课程类型 新授课八 教学过程1.Turning : 在六年级(下)曾学过Showing Ms Stones around our school一课,因此在 引入部分可以出示若干年前学校旧貌的照片,让学生说说当年的学校设施和基本布局,再出示现在的新貌照片,让学生找出差异,从而引出changes这一主题。说明:引入新课要注意和学生原有的知识体系相关联,本课说的是学校诸多方面的变化,故教师可从学校基础设施的变化入手,将六年级时所学过的学校简介与现如今学校的风貌作对比,从而使学生感到身边的变化随处可见,这样的感性认识有助于让学生有话可说,从而避免语言脱离情境,成为机械操练。 (Show the pictures of our school which were taken several years age.)T: Three years ago, we showed Ms Stones around our school. These are the pictures that were taken by Ms Stones at that time. Do you still remember these places? Who can give us a brief introduction to the pictures?(Show the pictures of our school which have been taken recently.)T: These are the pictures of our school now. Can you find anything different? Are there any changes? 教师可结合Tuning In中的图片和问题,在程度好的班级教师还可提高回答的要求,如:将图片两两结合,在pair work的基础上向全班进行叙述。若学生连贯叙述有困难,教师可先用问题加以启发,在程度低的班级可将以下段落改为填充题,让学生填上被动语态。图1和图2:In these two pictures, we can see two classroom buildings. The one on the left is an old two-storey classroom building. It was built many years ago. The one on the right is a new six-storey building. It has just been built. The old building has been replaced by the new one. We are now studying in a much bigger classroom.图3和图4:In these two pictures, we can see a computer room and a physics lab. They have been built to replace the old classrooms. There are many computers in the computer room. We can access the Internet in the computer room. We can do physics experiments in the physics lab.图5和图6:T: How many groups have the students been divided into? In which picture the students are more active, Picture 5 or Picture 6? Has a new teaching method been adopted? (用完整句子回答) The changes in this school are remarkable, arent they?In picture 5, the teacher is teaching the students, and the students are listening to the teacher. It shows the teacher-centred teaching method. In picture 6, the student-centred teaching method has been adopted. The students have been divided into four groups. They are having a group discussion while the teacher is tutoring them. They are more active.2. Text:该课课文生词少,句型结构相对较为简单,许多内容已在Tuning In时予以出现,故学生在理解时难度不大,教师可适当加快教学节奏,以“学校变化”为主题,设计以下活动,帮助学生整体感悟课文的主要内容,以及相关词汇的表达与运用。活动一:教师播放课文录音2遍,针对课文内容设计相关的回答问题练习,让学生有的放矢地边看边听边思考。活动二:学生齐读和分角色朗读全文,帮助学生解读课文难点之后,让学生两人一组,进行课后练习Comprehension Check。活动三:针对课文内容,设计补充练习(要求学生不再看课文),从而帮助学生更好地掌握本课生词和短语。说明:播放课文录音两遍,让学生根据课文回答下列问题。1) How are Jack and Sue talking? (Over the phone.)2) How do you know? (Because Jack says “This is Jack.”)3) What news does Jack ell Sue? (He has been chosen to be a journalist for the Education TV Station.)4) Whats Jack in charge of? (He is in charge of reporting the great changes in education, especially in secondary schools.)5) What remarkable changes have taken place in their own school? (The old buildings have been replaced by new ones; a new science lab has just been set up; new teaching methods have been adopted.)6) Why does Jack want to discuss with Sue? (Because she seems to have a lot of brilliant ideas.)7) When will they discuss the changes? (Tomorrow morning.)What will Sue lend Jack?(A video camera.)3. Discovering Language:教师在教学现在完成时被动语态前,可以先复习动词的过去式和过去分词以发现其形成规律。同时多为学生创设情景,让他们在活动中体验语法和意境,找出规律,帮助学生理解和运用这一语法功能。学生还应反复使用和操练,通过输入量的不断增加来巩固该语法知识。练习:1. 词义配对 I II 1). replace A. unusual2). remarkable B. and so on3). be in charge of C. in fact4). actually D. take the place of5). etc. E. mend6). seem
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