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Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Reading一、学习目标二、知识链接If your pen is broken, how to ask your friends for one? _三、学法指导 通过对阅读材料的学习,一定要弄清楚有礼貌地向他人询问某方面的信息。列出几种表达式。四、自主学习1、请同学们先认真阅读学习目标,然后仔细研读课本P92-93,看完后将所学到的东西进行归纳,画出重要知识点,用红笔做好疑难标记。2、翻译下列短语。寻求信息 _ similar requests _用英语 _ sound rude _ 一方面-另一方面 _ in some situations _ such as _ 花时间做某事 ask sb for help _ in order to _ Learn about language etiquette _3、Learn” lend and borrow “ and make sentences lend sb sth = lend sth to sb borrow sb sth = borrow sth from sbEg. Tom lent some money to Jack.(同义句)_五、合作探究1、两两对读并翻译课文。2、 Answer the questions according to the passage. 1, What is a very common and necessary activity _ 2 , Do we need to learn how to be polite when we make requests?_ 3. Do you change the way you speak when talking with different people? _3、 Change these sentences into polite ways. 1. Where are the restrooms? _2. Where is my book?_3. Peter, lend me your pen._4、翻译下列句子。 1. We need to learn how to be polite when we make requests. _2. The expressions you use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them. _ _3. Sometimes we might even need to spend some time leading in to a question or request _ _
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