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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious一、单项选择1Her son called to tell her that he would be back _Aon Mothers Day Bat Mothers DayCin Mothers Day Don Mothers Day2The retired couple have decided to go to college. Its time for them _ a new life.Abegin Bto begin Cbegins Dbeginning3(易错)The _ Brazils Olympic Games will be held on August 5._ exciting news for the long summer vacation!Athirtyone; How a Bthirtyfirst; WhatCthirtyfirst; What an Dthirtyone; How4Hi, Mr. Zhang, do you often come here to climb the mountain?Yes, _ exercise. You see, Im healthier than before.Ato get Bgetting Cget Dgets5Do you know _ in class?Sorry, I didnt go to school, either.Awhat he said Bwhat did he say Cwhat he says 二、用所给词的适当形式填空6The hostess took out zongzi as a special _ (treat) for us.7Sophia always gets many beautiful _(gift) on her birthdays.8(易错)The old film that is often thought of _ (bring) us much happiness those days. 9Usually, shirts and ties _ (give) to fathers as gifts on Fathers Day.10Nowadays sky lanterns _ (see) as bright symbols of good luck.三、语法专练(按要求改写句子)11She is a good girl. The teacher told us.(改为复合句)_12Are you from England? He asked me.(改为复合句)_13The moon is very bright.(改为感叹句)_ _ the moon is! 14.She seems to be worried now.(改为同义句)_ _ that she _ worried now.15John asked, “Can you care for my pet cat while Im away?”(改写句子,句意不变)John asked _ I _ care for his pet cat while he was away.答案一、1.A点拨:固定搭配法。表示在某天用介词on;母亲节即Mothers Day。2.B3B点拨:news不可数,exciting前面不可出现an。4.A5A点拨:关键词关联法。句中关键词didnt 提示句子为过去时,排除选项C;选项B语序不对,宾语从句应为陈述语序。二、6.treat7.gifts8brought点拨:定语从句呈现的是一般现在时,容易误导学生在空白处也用一般现在时。实际上,主句时间状语为those days, 为过去时间,空白处应为bring的过去式。9are given10.are seen三、11.The teacher told us (that) she was a good girl.12He asked me if / whether I was from England.13How bright14.It seems; is15.if/ whether; could
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