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Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left(第2课时)教案课题: unit 10讲课教师:学科:English课时:总课时数:6教学目标知识与技能Learn the key wordsThe reading passages about April Fools Day.过程与方法Interactive teaching methods and situation conversations情感态度与价值观Try to collect the jokes happened on April Fools Day and share them with your friends.教材分析教学重点The key words and the reading passage教学难点Help Ss understand the reading passages教学过程教师活动学生活动备注(教学目的、时间分配等)Leading-in Please tell something that happened on April Fools Day.Interaction and consolidationStep1 new words and expressions 1 announce (v)宣布,宣告 Announcement (n)公告 ,布告 They havent announced their decision yet. 2 convincing (adj) 令人信服的, Her explanation of being late wasnt very convincing. 3 set off 激起 引起 ;出发,动身Talk about teachers questionRead new words and make sentences 4Learn and use key words8教师活动学生活动备注(教学目的、时间分配等) (=set out)【for ,on】 Set off for the North. 动身北上 The question set off a lively discussion 4 flee (fled, fled)逃,逃走 flee from sb./sth. flee to /into They fled from the bank when the alarm went off. He fled to London after an earthquake. 5 sell out sell it /them out 6 marry (sb.)嫁 ,娶 ,和.结婚 【瞬间动词】 get married (to) (和)结婚 be married (to) (和) 结婚 She married a man with a lot of money She has been married to a man with a lot of money for ten years.Step 2 3a Read the instructions to studentsYoull have to read three articles .The three articles are aboutThree different stories happened on April Fools Day. Not all of them are true. Tell which of these stories is believable .And you have to tell the reasons as well . At last ,think over if you would be fooled by any of the stories. Step 3 3b Write a story about Nick in 2a and 2b. Use the notes bleow. 1 What happened first ? Alarm went / got off/ took a shower 2What happened next ? Got to school / school was empty/ an hour later/. 3 What he realized ; His brother / fooled himStep 4 3c Write about a joke you played on someone pr a joke someone played on you . tell what happened first,/next and what you realizedSummary : In this class , weve read three articles first . Then we wrote a magazine story based on some notes and last we wrote our own jokes. Read the passages and answer questionsWrite a magazine story according 2a& 2b Write Ss their own jokesReading practice using target language10Reading & writing9Writing practice 104板书 Unit 10 1set off 2 get married 3 go off 4 get dressed教学后记
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