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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?学习重难点1 会用被动语态做题。2 能正确使用被动语态进行阅读与写作。问题导引找出以下两组对话的异同,看看一般疑问句和特殊疑问句怎么进行转换?1 - Should teenagers have a special day to help others? - Yes, they should.2 - What should teenagers do if they have a special day? - They should help others.自主学习一 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 Thats a good way to keep (keep) them happy.2 Keeping practicing is good for improving (improve) my English.3 Mr Brown will go fishing if it doednt rain (not rain) tomorrow.4 Do you often volunteer to help (help) your neighbor.5 What school rules do you think should be changed (change).二 试着翻译下列短语。1 篮球训练 basketball practice2 一条牛仔裤 a pair of jeans3 养老院 old peoples home4 小学 primary school5 一周一次 once a week6 八小时的睡眠 eight hours sleep7 表演戏剧 perform a play8 一次很棒的经历 a great experience三 完成课本part 1, 注意要用动词的正确形式。合作探究任务一仔细阅读课本part 2, 然后和小组成员一起讨论回答下列问题,并将答案告诉大家。1 Where did they go last year?What did they do their?They went to an old peoples home and sang and performed a play for them.2 What does the writer want to be when heshe is older?Heshe wants to be a teacher.3 What does Tian Ge want to do?She wants to write for a newspaper.4 What are many students like after a long week of classes?They are sleepy.任务二再阅读一遍文章,把你赞同的观点与不赞同的观点分别写下来,并阐述原因,然后和小组其他成员互相交流一下。I agree , because .I agree , because .I disagree , because .I disagree , because .任务三假设你是报社编辑,请你根据以上你的观点和part2文章的作者写封信吧,然后和小组成员互相交流、释疑、点拨。归纳总结考点聚焦1 have to 不得不,必须 强调客观需要,有人称、时态和数的变化。否定 dont have to 表示不必 must 必须 强调主观必须,无人称、时态和数的变化。否定mustnt 表示禁止Its late, I have to go home. 很晚了,我必须得回家了。My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很严重,所以我不得不在半夜给医生打电话。He said that he must work hard. 他说他得努力工作。You dont have to tell him about it. 你没有必要告诉他这件事。You mustnt tell him about it. 你不准告诉他这件事。2 mess 名词 意为 脏乱Ill clean up the mess myself.The kitchen is a mess.mess up mess是动词 意为弄乱 弄糟He got another chance and he didnt want to mess up again.练一练 单项选择 1 As a student, we need at least C sleep a day.A eight-hours B eight hours C eight hours D eight hours2 She doesnt know which pair of jeans to buy, both of them look B her.A well on B nice on C good at D beautiful with3 -Weve worked for three hours, lets stop A a rest. -Thats a great idea.A to have B having C had D have归纳小结请你和小组成员合作归纳出本课重点单词和短语,并和大家分享一下吧basketball practice,a great experience, a pair of jeans,primary school,once a week,eight hours sleep, perform a play ,old peoples home达标训练见一课一练 创新练习
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