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九年级英语全册Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes(第3课时)Section B(1a-2c)学案【学习目标】【定向自学】 预习提示1、 What kind of ?这是一个用来询问事物种类的句子。Eg . -What kind of books do you like best ? -I like story books best .2、 The problem is that all my classmats think the uniforms are ugly .本句是一个双重复合句。首先是由that引导的表语从句,在表语从句中包含一个省略that的宾语从句。表语从句要放在联系动词的后面,所用的关联词除if外都可以。Eg . 1)My question is whether you understand this sentence .1) That is why we should learn English weTask II can read:我能根据词汇表大声朗读目标中的生词并能熟记这些生词。Task II1. 熟悉P21的听力及句型.【合作探究】一.PairworkMake conversations with “Do you ever ” with your partner.For example:A: Do you ever get to school late?B: Yes, sometimes二.Discuss with your group1.Peter should be allowed to take the test later. 2. Students need strict rules. 3. Parents should not be too strict with teenagersA: I think Peter should B:Idontagree. C:Ithink D: I dont think四.看谁作文水平高.【归纳总结】1 提高听力能力2 谈论自己曾做过的事【巩固提升】I.选择填空1、We have worked for three hours .Now lets stop a rest .A had B have C to have D having 2、 We had a party having classes last Friday .A . instead B instead of C but D still3、Students slippers when they are at school.A . dont allow to wear B . are not allowed to wear C . are not allowed D . are not allowed wearing4、I think exercise is a good way to keep healthy .A . take B .taking C make D . of taking5、Its very cold outside. You had better your coat .A . put on B . wear C . dress D to put on II.翻译下列短语。 【学习反思】
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