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Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are(第5课时)学习目标知识目标重点单词: lend, park(v.), wonder, direct, order, lead, trouble, offend重点短语: ask for information, depand on, on the other hand, direct order, such as, lead in, in a way, in order(not) to, asas重点:1. Ive been collecting them for many years. 2.Its important to use correct language, but sometimes this alone is not enough. 3.Sometimes we might even need to spend some time leading in to a question or request. 4.I wonder if you can help me.能力目标: 进一步理解和掌握宾语从句。情感目标: .学会有礼貌地向别人求助。Step 4 Read the article for 5 minutes. Underline sentenses that we cant understand.Step 5 Give some help about difficulty phrases and sentences.Step 6 Help understand. 导学 1 lend的用法 vt. 借出, 其后可接双宾语。lend sb sth.=lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物。 其反义词为:borrow 常用搭配为 borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物。 lend 与 borrow 都是终止性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。若借某物一段时间应用“keep”.导学 2 depend on/upon 取决与;依赖于 Dont depend on your parents all the time. 不要一直依赖父母。导学 3 wonder的用法 (1)vt. 想知道,降龙明白 相当于want to know, 其后常接if 或疑问词引导的宾语从句。(2) n. 奇迹;惊奇 (3)adj. wonderful 精彩的 adv. wonderfully 精彩地导学 4 park 的用法 (1)v. 停车 park the car 停小汽车 (2)parking n. 停车场 No parking 禁止停车 (3)n. 公园 in the park 在公园里导学 5 Ive been collecting them for many years. 我收集邮票许多年了。have been collecting 现在完成进行时,表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作。导学 6 Asking for information or help is a very common and necessary activity. 询问信息或寻求帮助是非常普通和必要的活动。(1)ask sb. for sth. 向某人寻求某事。 (2)asking for information or help 是动名词短语作主语。导学 7 Its important to use correct language , but sometimes this alone is not enough. 使用正确的语言是重要的,但有时这还不够。Its + adj.+ 不定式. 句中it作形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式 to use correct language. alone adv. 副词 ,用在名词或代词后,意为“仅仅,独自”。导学 8 order 的用法 (1)n. 命令,指示 (2)n. 顺序 in the right order 按正确的顺序 (3)v. 命令,订购,点菜 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 (4)in order not to do sth. 为了不做某事 (5)in order that +从句=so that+从句,引导目的状语从句。导学 9 trouble 的用法 (1)v. (使)烦恼,麻烦,疼痛 (2)n. 问题, 困难,烦恼,疼痛 (3)常用短语为:be in trouble 在困境中 get into trouble 惹上麻烦,陷入困境 have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难。导学 10 lead v. 引导, 引诱; 过去时和过去分词都是led. leader n. 领导人 lead sb. to do sw. 引导某人去某地, lead sb. to do 引导某人做某事Step 11 Students translate the article into Chinese.Step 12 Look at the requests in the left hand column, then a) describe a situatiopn when the request would be suitable as it is, and b) make the request more polite.Step 13 Read the article again. Match cach paragraph with its main idea.Step 14 Role play the following situattions. Think about the relationship between the speaker and the listener. Decide how to make the request.Step 15 水平能力形成性评价 一 单选( )1.She dressed _ as a down-and -outer. A.up herself B.herself up C.herself D.herself out ( ) 2.Have you asked the policeman _ ? Yes. He told us to turn left onto Main Street. Its on the right. A.if there is a bank near here B.how can we get to the nearest bank C.where can we find a bank D.when we can go to the nearest bank( ) 3.Can you tell me _ ? He is our English teacher. A.what does he do B.where he works C.where does he work D.what he is ( ) 6. This year _ we have learned two thousand words. A.lonely B.alone C.each D.only ( ) 7.We need to spend some time _ a request. A.lead in B.leading into C.to lead in D.to read into ( ) 8.Can you tell me _ ? A. how old is your grandma B.how old your grandma is C. your grandma is how old D.how is your grandma ( ) 9.My friend _ me the book he bought yesterday, but I can only _ it for two days. A.borrowed, lend B.lent, keep C.lent, borrow D.borrowed, borrow ( ) 10. Thomas wants to know _ Nina lives. A.where B.who C.what D. if二根据括号内的词组提示,翻译下列句子。11.我们穿上盛装去参加英语晚会。(dress up) _.12.他在寻找他的词典。 (look for) _.13.他花一个小时做完了作业。(spend doing)_.14.我们在晚会上玩得很开心。 (have fun)_.15.银行在公园的附近。 (next to)_.16.这种机器人的优点和缺点是什么?(advantage)_ ?17.星期天我总是和朋友们一起逛街。(hang)_ .教/学后记:
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