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班级姓名彰武三中2014-2015九年级第一次质量检测英语试卷考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分 题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分本试卷共11页六道大题75道小题,请同学们认真审题,将答案写在答题卡上,只交答题卡,祝你答题顺利!I.单项选择。(每题1分,共15分)( )1. - do you study for a test? - working with friends.A How ;In B How ;By C Why; By D What; In( )2.H e was afraid to in the river it was very cold.A swim; because of B swimming ; because of C swims; because D swim; because( )3.If you dont know the words, in the dictionary.A give it up B look up it C look them up D pick up them( )4.We think more vegetables good for our health.A eatting ; is B eating; is C eating; are D eating; are( )5. Were both in history. I found it to talk to him.A interested; interest B interesting; interestedC interest; interesting D interested; interesting( )6.Last night Maria watched TV instead of songs.A listen B listen to C listening to D listening( )7.In my hometown, July is month of the year.A hot B hotter C the hotter D the hottest( )8. The music was beautiful I forgot all the bad things.A too; to B such; that C so; that D so; to( )9.He asks me my parents will come home for the Spring Festival this year.A where B that C if D till( )10.The weather gets here. We cant stand it.A the colder and colder B cold and colder C coldest and colder D colder and colder( )11.Bills friends played a trick him April 1st.A in; on B on; in C in; in D on; on( )12.The river is very deep. The villagers warn us here.A dont swim B to swim C not to swim D not swimming( )13. funny stories are!A How; the B How; a C What; an D What; the( )14.The girl refused her toys to us.A gave B give C gives D to give( )15.I want to know in your school.A where is the library B where the library is C how is the library D when the library isII. 补全对话(共10分,每小题1分)(A)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项。A: Why dont you ask our music teacher for advice?B: How are you going to do that?C: What are you going to do?D: May be you can find her there.E: Where did you go these days?F: I havent seen you for a long time. G: I know you like singing ,dont you? A: Hello, Huang Lei. 16 How are you?B: Im fine. Thank you, And you?A: Pretty good. I was told that you would finish your high school study. 17 B: I am going to study computer in college. How about you?A: Maybe I will go to music school.B: 18 A: Yes, I do. But if I go to music school ,I have to study theory(理论).I dont like learning it.B: 19 A: Good idea! I will go to find her right away. Where is she?B: I saw her reading in the office just now. 20 A: Thank you!16 17 18 19 20 (B) 在空白处填上适当的单词,短语或句子完成对话。A: Hello, may I speak to Mary?B: Sorry, she isnt in. Is that Kate speaking?A: Yes, 21 B: This is Mike. 22 A: Fine , thanks. Can I leave a message?B: Of course. 23 please. Ill go and get a pen.( A few minutes later)B: OK, please.A: Id like to ask her to go to the cinema with me tonight. Will you ask her call me when she comes back?B: No problem. 24 A: Its 7830631B: OK, bye-bye.A: 25 III句子翻译(共15分)()根据所给中文完成句子翻译,(共11分,局部翻译5个小题,每小题1分,整句翻译3个小题,每小题2分)26他经.常在语法方面犯错误。He often in grammar.27.早晨大声朗读对我们是重要的。 in the morning is important to us.28我的兴趣与我父亲的相似。My interests my fathers.29,他把衣服摆放在床上就出去了。He his clothes on the bed and went out.30.她想知道今天公园什么时候关门。She wonders the park today.31他们.通过向老师求助学习英语。 .32医生们应当对病人有耐心。 .33.这是多么漂亮的一朵花啊!(两种方法均可) . ( B )阅读下列短文,将短文中划线部分的句子译成中文。(共4分,每小题2分)I love playing sports. I want to ride a bike with my classmates. (34.) I think its fun to ride a bike outside. (35) We can get fresh air, meet different people and visit different places. Its a good way for us to keep healthy. . 完形填空(共20分,每小题1分)(A)阅读短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Wu Gang is a farmer, who lives in a small village in western China with his wife and two sons. One year ago, he _36_ that he had cancer(癌症). The doctor told him that he needed an operation(手术) at once and the operation would _37 thousands of yuan. It was too much money for Wu Gang and his wife. They had no jobs and both their sons were at school. The situation seemed so hard and they were _38_. A month later, _39_, Wu Gang got some good news. He was told about a health care project(项目), which
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