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How do you make a banana milk shake一、教材分析1.能够综合运用所学的知识以及根据所给的提示词来完成阅读填空的任务。 2.能够综合运用所学的知识来学习写作自己所熟悉的食物的制作过程以及所需的原料。 二、学情分析1.本单元内容很简单 ,学习的都是与生活相关的一些常识。2.学习制作食物。3.美食制作,西方的饮食文化。三、教学目标(结合课标)知识技能能够熟练运用所学的知识,来正确描述做简单食物的过程,正确运用表示顺序的词。过程方法 教学过程教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Daily greeting. Check the homework.2. 头脑风暴: 将下列名词分为可数名词与不可数名词。 1) milk 2) tomato 3)teaspoon 4) popcorn 5) yogurt 6)salt7) apple 8) onion 9)dumpling 10) shake 11) juice 12)meat 13) cup 14)porridge 15)watermelon 16)mutton 学生们可以小组为单位进行比赛,看谁写出来的最多。(在五分钟内)3. 让学们复述如何做爆米花。S1:First, put half a cup of corn into the popcorn machine.S2:Next, turn on the machine S3: Then, pour the popcorn into a bowl. S4: Finally, put some salt. You can eat it. . 让部分学生复述如何植树或其他项目。Ss try to retell how to plant a tree or other things they can do. . Presentation1. Ask Ss that what ingredients they need. Ask two students to say and write the ingredients on the Bb. . Talking 1. Talk about the ingredients they like in the sandwich. 2. S1: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? S2: Yes, I do. S1: Do you like tomatoes? S2: No, I dont. What about you?S1: 3. Let Ss ask and answer in pairs. 情感态度价值观 情感态度价值观目标: 1)在活动中渗透中西方餐饮文化,了解西餐的制作方法在语言的运用中感受中西方饮食文化的不同。2)通过食物制作过程的介绍, 让学生认识到劳动成果的来之不易, 使之懂得不能浪费食物, 珍惜他人的劳动成果。四、教学重点难点应对措施和思路教学重点教学重点:1) 能够综合运用所学的知识以及根据所给的提示词来完成阅读填空的任务。 2) 能够综合运用所学的知识来学习写作自己较为熟悉的食物的制作过程。(含教法学法、媒体应用等)教学难点教学难点:能够综合运用所学的知识来学习写作自己较为熟悉的食物的制作过程。(同属教学重难点的,在本栏书写)五、课时安排1课时六、知识结构(若过于复杂,可用图片形式插入)七、其它补充Homework: 1. Fill in the blanks of the main idea of the passage in 2b: (On the big screen)Thanksgiving is a s_ holiday in the U.S.A. It always on the f_ Thursday in November. There are many r_ for this special day. For some people, it is a time to give thanks for food in the a_. At this time people also remember the first t_ from E_ about 500 years ago. These days most Americans still have a big meal at home to c_ it. The main dish of this meal is almost always t_.How to make a turkey dinner?First, m_ together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. F_the turkey with this bread mix.Next, put the turkey in a hot oven and c_ it for a few hours. Then, place the turkey on a large plate and c_ it with gravy.F_, serve it to your friends with some other food.
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