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Unit 5 Travelling abroad .完形填空In 2010, Alec Johnson presented his father Michael with a Christmas list with a number of highpriced items. Wanting to show his son what really_1_in life, Michael and his wife Mehrnaz brought Alec and his best friend Luke to downtown San Diego, where they_2_ homemade burritos (墨西哥玉米卷饼) to the people living on the streets.At first, Alec viewed the exercise as a _3_. But after communicating with the _4_ in San Diego, Michael says, “The boys had such a great time that they asked if they could do it _5_.” The project quickly grew bigger, _6_ more and more of Alecs friends got involved.Over the years, the boys have _7_ a lot about not only themselves but the people theyre helping to _8_ as well. One volunteer told People that taking part in the project has changed his sense of those less _9_. “When you go out there you see theyre just people who have had a hard _10_ of luck.”On Sundays, Michaels day _11_ as early as 4:30 am, when he heads to a local restaurant _12_ to begin preparing ingredients (配料) that will soon be used to make over 600 burritos. As the morning _13_, more and more people come to _14_ their services. They quickly create these warm meals. _15_ the burritos are all made around 8:30, the _16_ pack up and drive to two different _17_ locations in downtown San Diego. _18_ round burritos, the group gives out drinks to those in need.“Our goal is to get people _19_ the streets and provide them with a little nutrition, a little hope and a little _20_,” says Michael.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Alec Johnson在父母的引领下和一些青年人义务为无家可归者制作、分发墨西哥玉米卷饼的故事。1A.matters Bsucceeds Clacks Dhappens答案:A他想给他的儿子展示生活中什么是真正重要(matters)的。2A.picked up Bbegged for Chanded out Date up答案:C他们在闹市区分发墨西哥玉米卷饼。第四段中的“gives out”亦是提示。hand out “分发”。3A.course Bpunishment Crelaxation Dreward答案:B根据下文的But和内容可以推断出:最初,Alec把这样的活动看作一种惩罚(punishment)。4A.hopeless Bstateless Cnameless Dhomeless答案:D根据第一段中的“to the people living on the streets”可知,此空应填homeless, the homeless表示“无家可归者”。5A.again Bwell Conce Dhard答案:A根据上下文尤其是“The boys had such a great time that .”“more and more of Alecs friends got involved”可知,此处表示他们问是否能再次(again)进行这样的活动。6A.unless Bas Cif Dalthough答案:B根据上文的“The project quickly grew bigger”和“more and more of Alecs friends got involved”之间的逻辑关系可知,此处表示随着(as)越来越多Alec的朋友参与进来,这个活动迅速发展壮大。7A.attempted Bshared Cconveyed Dlearned答案:D这一段主要是表达孩子们在活动中学到(learned)了什么。8A.free Bfeed Csave Dcure答案:B由前文提到活动内容是向无家可归者提供一种食物可知B项符合语境。这些男孩不但从他们自己身上而且从接受他们食物的人身上学到了很多。feed “给食物,喂养”。9A.intelligent Banxious Cguilty Dfortunate答案:D此处表述参加这个活动已经改变了他对那些不那么幸运的人的理解,故选D项。10A.turn Brole Ctrial Dplan答案:A无家可归者属于很难转运的人。turn “转向,机会,转变”。11A.breaks Bcomes Cpauses Dbegins答案:DMichael的一天早在早上4:30就开始了。故选D项。12A.kitchen Breception Ccounter Dcourt答案:A根据后文的“begin preparing ingredients (配料) .”可知,他应该是去厨房(kitchen)。13A.catches on Bworks on Cwears on Dcarries on答案:C由上文指早上从凌晨4点半开始可知,此处表述随着早晨时光渐渐消逝,越来越多的人来提供服务。wear on “(时间)慢慢地过去”。14A.acknowledge Blend Cpurchase Dconsume答案:B由下一句内容可判断这些人是来提供服务的。lend “借出,提供”。15A.Because BEven though COnce DIn case答案:C此处表示在八点半左右这些墨西哥玉米卷饼一做好,志愿者们(volunteers)就将其打包好。once “一就”符合语境。16A.volunteers Bemployees Cwaiters Dcustomers答案:A由第8空后的“One volunteer .”可知,此处指来提供帮助和服务的志愿者们。17A.production Bcamp Cmarket Ddistribution答案:D此处表示志愿者们驱车到两个不同的分发(distribution)点。下文中的“gives out”亦是提示。18A.In case of BOn account of CIn addition to DIn response to答案:C除了分发墨西哥玉米卷饼外,志愿者小组还分发饮料。in addition to “除之外”。19A.into Boff Cnear Don答案:B我们的目标是使人们离开(off)街道,即让那些无家可归者不再流落街头,故选B项。20A.confidence Bbelief Cpity Ddignity答案:D给他们提供一点营养,让他们能拥有一点希望和尊严。dignity “尊严,自尊”,符合语境。.阅读理解AFIVEDAY ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION TRIPLeaving from Ushuaia, Ocean_Nova takes you through the Beagle Channel to Cape Horn. Cross the Drake Passage and explore one of the most mysterious places on earth, the coldest and farthest continentAntarctica.Itinerary (行程)Day 1:Your journey begins in Ushuaia, Argentina. Board Ocean Nova and sail along the Beagle Channel towar
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