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Unit 15 Learning Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.单句语法填空1If he takes on this work,he will have no alternative but_(meet) an even greater challenge.答案:to meet2I dont know what will become_the boy if he keeps failing his examinations.答案:of3_a certain extent,raising wages means increasing purchasing power.答案:To4The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients,so he has _ very good reputation.答案:a5Over a third of the population were believed to have no access _ the health care.答案:to6The driver took the man who was caught_(steal) on the bus to the police station.答案:stealing7At a _(conserve) estimate,the trip will cost about 1,500.答案:conservative8The _(assign) may last for up to a year or so.答案:assignment9There is no doubt that the man is guilty and deserves _(punish)答案:punishment10The gift should be something the_(receive) will like.答案:receiver11Donna is very eager _(prove) her value to the group.答案:to prove12Shes a _(practice) manager who realises that a happy workforce is also a productive one.答案:practical.单词拼写1The_(惩罚) should fit the crime he has committed.答案:punishment2Cheating in the game ruined that players_(名声)答案:reputaion3Her happy look_(反映) that she has done well in the exam.答案:reflects4He looked through the suits and_(选择) the nicest one for me.答案:selected5Soldiers are expected to _(服从) their orders without question.答案:obey6I was not aware of the_(微小的) changes.答案:slight7All their neighbors think the couples lifestyle is_(另类的)答案:alternative8In every field of science,art,literature,drama,sport,they have made _(突出的) contributions.答案:outstanding9Dont _(误解) meI am grateful for all youve done.答案:misunderstand10Tom has too _(温和的) a nature to get angry,even if he has good cause.答案:mild.完成句子1我们输了比赛,这在一定程度上是我的过错。_,it was my fault that we lost the game.答案:To a certain extent2到镇上唯一的通路是经过那座桥。The only_the town is across the bridge.答案:access to3如果战争爆发我们会怎样?_us if the war breaks out?答案:What will become of4中国人民以长城为骄傲。Chinese people are_the Great Wall.答案:proud of 5.我丢了工作,别无选择只好待在家里。I lost my job and I_stay at home.答案:had no alternative but to6茉莉希望我昨天去机场接她但我当时忙于一个会议。Lily would rather I_her at the airport yesterday,but I was then busy with a meeting.答案:had met.阅读理解AIf you could travel back five centuries in time,youd come across a powerful Aztec empire in Central Mexico,a freshly painted “Mona Lisa” in Renaissance Europe and cooler temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere (半球)This was a world in the middle of the Little Ice Age (A.D.1300 to 1850) and a period of vast European exploration now known as the Age of Discovery.But what if we could look 500 years into the future and catch sight of the Earth of the 26th century?Would the world seem as different to us as the 21st century would seem to people of the 16th century?For starters,what will the weather be like?Depending on whom you ask,the 26th century will either be a little cold or terribly hot.Some suggest that by the 2500s,Earths climate will have cooled back down to near Little Ice Age conditions.Other studies predict that ongoing climate change and fossil fuel use will make much of the planet too hot for human life by 2300.Some experts date the beginning of human climate change back to the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s,others to slashandburn (刀耕火种的) agricultural Practices in prehistoric times.Either way,toolusing humans change their environmentand our 26th_century_tools might be quite impressive indeed.Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku predicts that in 100 years,well become a species that can control the entire sum of a planets energy.Using such power,26thcentury humans will be masters of clean energy technologies.Furthermore,theyll be able to employ planetary (行星的) energy in order to control global climate.Physicist Freeman Dyson,on the other hand,thinks this would occur within roughly 200 years.What other technologies will shape the world of the 26th century?Author Adrian Berry believes the average human life span will reach 140 years and that the digital storage of human personalities will enable a kind of computerized immortality (永生)Humans will farm the oceans,travel in starships and live on both moon and Mars while robots explore the outer space.语篇解读本文介绍500年后的地球会发生什么变化。1Travelling back five centuries in time is mentioned to_.Areview historical eventsBintroduce Renaissance Europe to usChelp us leave records for future peopleDlet us realize the big changes that will come解析:推理判断题。从第二段的内容可
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