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Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!(第5课时)Self checkTeachers words教师寄语:To choose time is to save time. ( 合理安排时间就是节约时间 )1 教学目标:知识与技能目标:1.掌握下列生词和短语: New word: mobile Key phrases: laugh at sb, too much, let sb do sth 2.巩固复习本单元所学内容。过程与方法:self check method. Writing method.情感态度价值观:Be able to ask for help when having difficulties in learning.二教学重、难点:Master the phrases and the target language learnt in this unit by self check exercises. 三学习过程(1)前奏版-课前展示:Free talk. (2) 启动版-创境激趣:看图片情景导入利用多媒体课件教授新词,学生通过课件展示掌握生词,了解一些跨国文化常识。(3) 核心版-自主学习1. I can read and remember:嘲笑某人_ 太多_移动电话_ let sb do sth_ 花费时间或金钱做某事_ 和某人一起度过时光_做完某事_ 午饭吃得太多_得到足够的锻炼_ 一个好厨师_帮住别人_ 返回家_2. I can finish the task:我能够用所给单词的正确形式填空,完成Part1。3. I can write: 我能完成句子。1.If I get up late tomorrow ,_(我将会上学迟到。)2.If I dont finish my homework ,_(我妈将会不高兴。)3.If I eat too much food ,_(我将会更胖。)4.If I dont get enough exercise,_(这将会对我身体有害。)5.If I watch too much TV,_(这将会对我眼睛有害。)6.If I dont help others,_(别人也不会帮我。)合作探究Pairwork:互相检测Part1中的答案。(4) 拓展版-展示汇报 【知识小结】单元知识大盘点:本单元我学会了6个基础词汇和2个延伸词汇,大大拓展了我的词汇量1.flower_2.机会_3.against_4.今晚_5.组织_(名词:_)6.lawyer_我还学会了 5个短语,大大丰富了我的语言积累。1.have a great time_2.take away_3.在世界各地_4.谋生_5.all the time_6.laugh at_我学会了3个句式,真让我有成就感。1.If you go to the party, you_ _ _ _ _ (将会玩得很开心).2.If you become rich, you will have a difficult time _ (知道) who your real friends are.3.If you become a professional athlete, youll be able to _ _ _ _( 以做一些你喜欢的事为生)something you love.另外,还有以下词汇,我只要认识它们,混个脸熟就可以了。1. clean up _ 2. agent _3. injured _ 4. sincerely _5. mobile phone _(5) 升华版-实践创新:一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Tom _(organize) the party last night.2.I want to do some work _(help) the poor children who cant go to school.3.Lu Xun was a _(fame) writer in China.4.Why do you _(laugh) at the poor man?5.He makes a _(live) as a taxi driver.二、我会选( )1. If you dont get enough exercise,_.A. youll be happy B. youll keep healthy C. youll become weak ( )2. I can see you are very tried now. Why _ a good rest?A.not you have B.not have C.didnt you have ( )3.Susan got _ in the car accident. Im sorry to hear that. A. happy B. injured C. lucky ( )4. My little sister always asks me _ questions.A. too many B. too much C. much too ( )5. Its impolite to _ those who make mistakes.A. laugh B. laugh at C. laughing at ( )6. Dont bring food to the party. If you do, the teacher will _ .A. take them away B. take it away C. take away it ( )7.We got closer to the teacher _ hear what he was saying.A. so that B. that C. in order to( )8.Frank _ to see his grandma if he _ free tomorrow.A. will come ; will be B. comes ; is C. will come ; is( )9.If you dont study English all the time, youll have a difficult time _ it in the future. A. studying B. to study C. to studying三、用所给词语的适当形式或时态填空。 improve explain come true care for go climbing1.The teacher asked him to _why he was late.2.We _if we have time next Sunday.3.He gave us some advice on how to_ our English.4.They want to do something to _wild animals in danger.5.I think your dream _ in the future.(6) 课后作业:完成练习册Unit1 第5课时,预习下一课时内容。(7) 检测:1. 如果你得不到足够的锻炼,你将可能会发胖。2. 我忘了你的地址。我不记得怎样去你家了。3. 小心!它可能危险。4. 没有时间停止。现在是开始的时间。
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