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Bicycle riding is good exercise明确目标1、继续学习条件状语从句。2、阅读学习有关赛车方面的知识及世界上最伟大的赛车手。3、介词的使用。自主预习在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1、勇气_ 2、注意到_3、交通标志_ 4、遵守安全规则_5、世界上最重要的交通工具之一_6、自行车运动_7、引起污染_ 8、保护他们的头部_9、以防,为了避免_ 10、急救_11、总而言之_ 12.和. 分享_合作探究1、小组合作,熟读理解1a,完成1b。2、听录音,完成1c。3、跟读1a,读熟1a。4.Retell 1a according to the key wordsone of, use forexercise, fit, strong, pollution, share with, notice, pay attention to, signals, safety rules, helmets, light-colored, reflectors, in case of, first aid, call 120当堂反馈1.“notice”意为“注意到”。后可接名词,代词作宾语。如:Did you _ the boy in blue?I _ the teacher come into the office.2、so bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them and know traffic signals.“pay attention to”意为_,to在这里是介词,后接名词,代词或动词-ing形式。如:We must _ this problem.You should _ spelling.拓展提升句子理解:The bicycle is one of the most important vehicles in the world._In every country people use bicycles for work, for sport or just, for fun._Bicycles share the road with cars and trucks._In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful._课后检测用所给词的正确形式填空:safe, truck, look, attention, caseThere are many vehides on the road such as cars, buses and _.We must make sure that we are in _ now.In _ of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door._ out! The bus is coming.We must pay _ to the traffic lights when we cross the road.点拨:A)cover 动词:spread over The Ming Tombs _an area of 40 km2. B) over 介词:more than He stayed in Shanghai for _ a month. The roads are very difficult to ride on. 译:_ 点拨:on能去掉吗? 答:_ . 同理的句子:I need a pen to write with. I need a house to live in. There is nothing to worry _.课后检测根据要求填空:1、I failed my exam, but I didnt have enough c to tell my parents about it.2、The island is in the m of the lake. We have to get there by boat.3、Zhang Yining is one of the t table tennis players in the world.4、-Whats the secret of your s ?To work hard and never give up.5、A kind volunteer(志愿者) l me to my hotel yesterday.6、Its c that they will win the match. Im quite sure of them.7、The referee(裁判) blew the f whistle (哨子). We lost the game at last.8、-Do you know the r of the last volleyball match? -No, I dont. But I am sure our team has won.9、Armstrong, an American player, is famous as a top (cyclist).10、They were proud of their childrens (achievement).11、We have courage to accept anyones (challenge).12、Can you wait (till)we get back?13、The water is as (smooth) as glass.当堂反馈Choose the words to fill in the blanks with the proper formsKeep and road safe danger cross beforesure look makeIn China, traffic goes on the right. Cars, trucks, buses _ bikes must all keep to the right side of the _. In most other countries, traffic _ to the left. How can you _ the roads safer?_ you cross the road, stop and look each side. _ left, then right, and then look left again. Dont cross the road if you are not _ whether the road is clear or not. It may be _. If you see young children, old people, or blind people walking _ the road, help them cross the road in _. Helping others is a kind of virtue (美德).拓展提升Talk about the pictures. Tick () the ones that bicycle riders should do and cross () the ones they shouldnt do. Then write a passage Example: Bicycle riding is good exercise. It helps people become fit._ But when you ride bicycles, you should wear a helmet to protect your head. You should also follow the signs. However, if you make a call or play on the street while you are riding, youll be in danger.课后检测Complete the passageangry, fast, eat, fine, goodness, talk, drink, when, along, hit, stopThe accident happened early this morning. I was waiting for the bus 1._ it happened. A young woman was driving a red car very 2._. While she was driving, she 3. _ over her mobile phone. At that moment, a man was driving an orange truck 4
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