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六、介词【考纲分析】1. 中考考纲 : (1) 介词和介词短语2. 近5年中考介词的考点及分值分布年份题型分值考查内容2012年单项选择1in front of完形填空1in surprise短文填空1.5without2013年单项选择1with完形填空/ /短文填空1.5from (then on )2014年单项选择1against完形填空 / /短文填空1.5(learn ) from2015年单项选择1Without (your help)完形填空/短文填空1.5with2016年单项选择1before完形填空1in need短文填空1.5(look )after 【自主学习】用适当的介词填空1.His parents are very angry him because he did badly in the exam.2.Dont be afraid English. Dont be afraid speak English public.3.The desk is made wood Guangzhou.4.He is better Chinese than math.5.The bottle is full water. Dont fill it milk any longer.6.Jimmy fell the bike. So he couldnt catch upother students.7.He is easy to get well with.8.The players are busy getting ready the coming Asian Games.9.His father is very strict him his studies.10.I havent heard my sister. She has been in Englandnearly a year.11. Its not polite to laugh people or play a joke them.12. the help of the police, the man found his lost son last.参考答案1.with 2.of,to,in 3.of,in 4.at 5.of,with 6.off,with 7.on 8.for 9. with,in 10. from,for 11. at,on 12. With, at 【教师点拨】考点1 表示时间的介词 in, after, later表示时间的区别 in 时间段, 用于将来时,表示“过后”。He will come back in an hour. after一段时间,用于过去时,表示“在以后”。After an hour, he came back. after时间点, 用于将来时,表示“在以后”。 He will come back after 5 oclock. 时间段 later,表示“在之后”。 An hour later, he came back. 练习:1.How soon will the meeting begin? ten minutes. 2.Several days, he returned the dictionary to me. 3.He called me back an hour. in, on, at表示时间的区别 in 主要表达周、月、季节、年代;泛指上午、下午、晚上。 on 主要表示具体的某一天,也可表示某一天的某个时候。 at 表示某一时刻。 注意:on the morning of 2009 / on a winter afternoon 练习:1.My mother usually gets up six. 2.The little girl was borna cold morning of winter2008. 3.Can the teacher come back Monday? for, since 表时间的区别 for 一段时间since 时间点 / 句子练习:1.The boy has been in China a week. The boy has been in China a week ago. The boy has been here he came to China last week. 2.Its ten years I first met him. to,past,pass表时间的区别 to 介词,大于30分钟时, 表示“差”。 ten to seven 6:50 past介词,小于30分钟时, 表示“过”。 ten past six 6:10 pass 动词,表示“经过,过去”。 He passed by me. 练习:1.As time , they became friends in the end. 2.Please wake me up at half six. 3.Ten forty-five means a quarter eleven.【课堂检测】()1. It is believed that December 21, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played. A. in B. on C. at D. by()2. How long have you stayed in this hotel? Not long,just_ this Monday.A. from B. since C. for D. on()3.Hurry up! Theres a bus coming! Why run? There will be another one _ two or three minutes.A. by B. in C. for D. on()4. I sometimes help my mom with her housework Saturdays.A. at B. in C. on D. to()5. What time do you usually go to school, Jack? about half past seven. A. On B. In C. At D. For考点2 表示地点和方位的介词 above, over, on 在上面 above 在上方 (与物体表面不接触)。 over 在正上方 (与物体表面不接触)。 on 在上面 (与物体表面接触)。练习:1.There is a bridgethe river.2.There is a picture the wall.3.The plane is flying the cloud.4.Its too hot today. The temperature must be 35. through, across, cross 穿过 through 介词,纵穿(从空间穿过)。 The soldiers went through the forest.across 介词,横穿(横过某个平面)。 He is walking across the street.cross 动词,横穿(横过某个平面)。 He is crossing the street.练习:1.Walk the park, you can see a tall building on the right. 2.Be careful when you go the road. 3.The poor old man was hit by a car when he was the road. among, between 在之间among 在(三者或三者以上)之间;between 在(两者)之间。常用词组: betweenand练习:1.The man who is standing the students is Lilys father.2.I will be back five and six.3.The pay phone is the hospital and the library. in, on, to in 表示在范围之内(属于该范围);on 表示与某一地区接壤; to 表示隔海相望。如: Guangdong is in the south of China. (广东属于中国)Guangdong is on the south of Hunan. (广东不属于湖南,但与湖南是毗邻关系) Japan is to the east of China. (日本不属于中国,而且隔海相望)练习:1.Taiwan is the east of China. 2.Beijing isthe north of China. 3.Haikou is the south of Zhanjiang. 4.Guangxi is the west of Guangdong. 表方位的介词 on, in, behind, after on 表示在某人、某物的左边或右边 in 用来表示在第几排 behind 用来表示在之后after 表示顺序练习:1.I sit the right of Wang Hai. Were the second row. 2.The naughty boy hided the door. His mother looked for him everywhere.
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