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Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 2 Fill out a form and come to learn English in LA.单项选择()1.At the party,you can learn English and enjoy the delicious American food _.Aat the same timeBon the same timeCin the same time Dfor the same time()2.Whether to go or not _ your own choice.Adecide on Bdepends onCmade by Ddepend in()3._ taking a trip,you can make friends with them.ANot only BAs well asCAs good as DAt the same time()4.Lets stay _ after you go back to your country.Awith touch Bin touchCfor touch Dby touch.完成句子1英语很有用,但是它又很难掌握。English is useful,_ it is hard to master.2再见,托尼,保持联系哦!Goodbye,Tony.Lets _.3你可以选择去好莱坞或者华盛顿特区。You can _ to Hollywood or Washington DC.4孩子们当然可以选择他们想要的。The children _ choose what they like.5老师每周都进行测验。The teacher _ every week.完形填空One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun.“Im much _1_ than you,”said the wind.“No,I dont agree with you!” said the sun.While they were arguing,they saw a _2_ walking along the road.He was wearing a heavy coat.The sun said to the wind,“Now,let _3_ see who can make the man take _4_ his coat.Then we will know who is stronger.”First the wind tried.It began to blow very hard.It blew _5_ hard that the man pulled (拉) his coat around him.The wind was _6_ with the man.Then it said to the sun,“Now,its your _7_.”The sun started to _8_ on the man.Soon it got very _9_!The man took off his coat.The argument was over.We know the _10_was stronger now.()1. A.strong BstronglyCstronger Dstrongest()2. A.womanBmanCboyDgirl()3. A.we Bour Cus Dhim()4. A.up Bon Coff Ddown()5. A.not Bso Csuch Dmuch()6. A.sad Bhappy Cangry Dsatisfied()7. A.way Bturn Cturns Dtime()8. A.shines Bshine Cshining Dshone()9. A.hot Bhotter Chottest Dhoter()10.A.wind Bsun Cman Dnobody参考答案.14 ABBB.1.but2.stay in touch3 choose to go4.are certain to5.sets tests.15 CBCCB610 CBBAB
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