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黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语 Module 5 Cloning Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary Frankensteins Monster学案 外研版选修6学习目标:了解弗兰肯斯坦的主要内容,正确理解科幻作品;热爱科学,并为人类造福,而不是给人类带来灾难。知识链接:与电影 Frankenstein相关知识阅读 。高考链接:快速阅读全文,掌握文章的主旨大意;仔细阅读,深层理解文章细节是高考对阅读题的基本要求。学习过程I Introduction 1. Read passage on P 57 and do the following questions (A 级)(1) When was the film made? _(2)Try to describe monster with the following words in the box. huge human being lip monster terrifying ugly _IIReading Comprehension1 Fast Reading(快速阅读,整体理解)Scan the text and try to finish Activity 1 on P 58 of the textbook.(A 级)1. _2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _2 Careful Reading (仔细阅读,深层理解)Choose the best answer according to the text. (B 级)1.The monster began to hate his creator because _ .A. he felt lonely and unhappy B. his creator gave him an ugly faceC. his creator refused to create a wife for him D. he wanted to become clever2. The first paragraph tells us _ . A. the birth of the monster B. the terrifying emotion of Frankenstein C. the scene where the monster was seen D. the cold night when the monster was born3. Frankenstein saw this monster moved as a human being, he felt _ . A. happy B. excited C. worried D. frightened4. Frankenstein wished he had not created the monster because he thought _ . A. the monster looked very ugly B. he would bring people nightmares C. he would bring the world disaster D. the monster would kill him5. The passage tells us _ . A. Frankenstein regretted creating such an ugly monster B. Frankensteins creation is successful, but its a nightmare for him C. as a scientist, Frankenstein must have some creations D. the monster cant be given life3问题情境设计: Consolidation ( 尝试复述,巩固理解)(C 级)Frankenstein is a young scientist from Geneva in Switzerland. While studying at university , he discovers the 1 of how to create life. He creates a creature using bones from dead bodies. When he first sees his creation , he is 2 to give it life. But when he sees the creature breathe and move its arms and legs, he gets 3 . He 4 having created it. The creature is very large and strong and also 5 ugly , but it is very intelligent and has human emotions. When it becomes lonely and unhappy , it 6 Frankenstein. When Frankenstein 7 to create a wife for it, the monster 8 Frankensteins brother and new wife. The scientist chases it to the Arctic, the monster 9 into the ice and snow to end its own 10 .1._ 2._ _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _课后反思:弗兰肯斯坦是一部科幻电影,读了本课文章,你有什么感受?
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