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专题13 情景交际交际用语的考查点相对集中。主要考查社会交往中的一些日常交际用语。考查的方式以应答为主,提问为辅; 以跨文化交际中差异明显的交际项目为重点考查对象。其考点主要包括:1考查习惯应答语。许多情景对话中使用的是英美人的习惯用语。问候、告别、打电话、问路、看病、购物等常见的交际话题均有其较为固定的套语; 感谢、道歉、祝愿、请求亦有其固定的应答用语。考生必须用英美人的思维方式,遵循他们的习惯进行回答。交际用语常见的回答用语主要有以下几个方面:(1)常用于接受或拒绝请求、邀请的应答用语有:With pleasure./Yes, help yourself./No problem./Good idea./Sorry, but/Id rather you/Thank you, but/No way./Forget it.等。(2)常用于感谢的应答用语有:Thats all right./You are welcome./Dont mention it./It is my pleasure (My pleasure)/Not at all.等。(3)常用于道歉的应答用语有:Never mind./It doesnt matter./Not at all./Thats all right./That is nothing.等。(4)常用于祝愿和祝贺的应答用语有:Good luck!/Best wishes to you!/Have a nice time!/Congratulations!/Merry Christmas!/Thank you!/The same to you!等。2考查文化差异语。汉语和英语在交际文化方面有许多共同之处,但也存在诸多差异。这些差异往往是考查的重中之重。避免母语交际定式的干扰,根据英语的文化交际习惯来应答是掌握文化差异的关键。3考查语言结构语。根据不同的交际情景,说话者会采用不同的交际用语来表达自己的态度和情感。当说话人对刚刚提出的说法或意见持肯定态度时,可以说:Yes,I think(suppose,believe)so./Yes,Im afraid so. 对刚刚提出的说法或意见持否定态度时,则说: No,I dont think (suppose) so./No,I dont believe so./ No,I believe (suppose) not./No,I hope not./ No,I am afraid not.情景交际用语指在特定的语境中运用的语言。情景交际用语范围广泛,形式多样,灵活多变,这些情景交际语言的结构无不体现着英语国家的文化、风俗和习惯。情景交际用语的功能主要包括四十一个项目。1问候(Greetings) Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.Hello/ Hi.How are you? Fine, thank you, and you?Best wishes/ regards to sb.Please give/ send my regards/ best wishes/ love to sb.Say hello to sb.Please remember me to sb.2介绍(Introductions) This is Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Comrade./ May I introduce you to.?/ Id like you to meet.My name is./ Im a student/ teacher, etc.Im Chinese.3告别(Farewells) Im afraid I must be leaving now./ I think its time for us to leave now.Good bye!/ Bye bye!/ Bye!/ See you later/ tomorrow./ See you./ Good night. 4感谢和应答(Thanks and responses) Thank you(very much)/ Thanks a lot./ Many thanks./ Thanks for./ Its very kind of you to.Not at all./ Its/ Thats all right./ You are welcome.5祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations & responses) Good luck!/ Best wishes to you!/ I wish you good luck/ success!/ Good journey (to you)!/ Have a good trip./ Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time./ Congratulations./ Id like to congratulate you on./ Happy New Year!/ Merry Christmas!/ Happy birthday to you!Thank you./ The same to you.6道歉、遗憾和应答(Apologies, regrets, sympathies & responses) Sorry./ Pardon./ Im sorry./ Im sorry for/ about./ Im sorry to hear./ Im sorry to havev.ed/ that. Excuse me(for.)/ Im afraid of./ Im afraid I was very rude./ I didnt mean to be so rude./ What a pity./ Shame!/ Its a pity that. Thats all right./ It doesnt matter./ Thats nothing./ Thats OK./ Never mind./ Dont worry about that.7邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) Will you come to.?/ Would you like to.?/ Id like to invite you to.Yes, Id love to(.)/ Yes, its very kind/ nice of you.Id love to, but. 8提供(帮助等)和应答(Offers and responses) Can/ Could/ Shall I help you?/ Would you like me to.?/ Is there anything(else) I can do for you?/ Do you want me to.?/ What can I do for you?/ Let me do/ carry/ help.(for you)/ Would you like some.?Thanks./ That would be nice/ fine./ Thats very kind/ nice of you./ Thank you for your help./ Yes, please./ Here, take this/ my.No, thanks./ Thank you./ I can manage it myself./ Thank you all the same./ Thats very kind of you, but. 9约会(Making appointments) Are you/ Will you be free this afternoon/ tomorrow?/ How about tomorrow morning/ afternoon/ evening?/ Shall we meet at 4:30 at.?Yes, thats all right./ Yes, Ill be free then.No, I wont be free then. But Ill be free.All right. See you then.10意愿和希望(Intentions and wishes) Im going to./ I intend/ mean/ plan to./ I will./ Id like to./ I feel like ving./ I (do not) want/ hope to./ Im ready to./ Id prefer to do./ I would rather not tell you. I want/ hope/ wish to./ I wish that./ I would like to. How about.11请求、允许和应答(Asking for permission and responses) May I.?/ Can/ Could I.?/ I wonder if I can/ could./ Do/ Would you mind if I do/ did.?Yes/ Sure/ Certainly./ Yes, (do) please.或Sure, go ahead./ Of course./ Go ahead, please./ Thats OK/ all right./ Not at all./ Of course not./ Certainly not.Im sorry you cant./ Im sorry, but./ Youd better not.12同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement) Certainly./ Sure./ Of course./ Yes, please./ No problem./ Thats true./ Yes, I think so./ OK./ All right./ Thats a good idea./ Its a good idea./ We agree(with you)/ I agree to./ thatclauseNo. I dont think so./ Im afraid not./ Im afraid I (really) cant agree with you.13喜好和厌恶(Likes and dislikes) I like/love.(very much)/ I like/ love to.I dont like(to)./ I hate(to). 14决定和坚持(Determination, decision and insistence) I will./ I have decided to/ that./ I have decided wh疑问词引导的从句/wh疑问代词或副词to.I insist on/that.15判断和意见(Judgemen
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