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专题12 特殊句式1. Not until I returned I realize that a quiet town life was the best for me.解析考查倒装句。句意:直到回来,我才发现安静的小镇生活对我才是最好的。not until放在句首,后面的主句要倒装。因为谓语动词为实义动词realize,故要用助动词did并提到主语前面。答案did2. It took years of work (reduce) industrial pollution and clean the water.解析考查固定表达。句意:减少工业污染和净化污水需要多年的工作。这里是固定句式It takes (sb)some time to do sth做某事花费(某人)多长时间,故要用动词不定式to reduce。答案to reduce3.It asks you to act like water:to be flexible as well strong.答案as4. The (hard) you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.解析考查固定表达。句意:你越是努力击败他,就越可能被击败。此处为“the比较级主谓,the比较级主谓”的句型,表示“越就越”。答案harder5. Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it:neither too much too little.解析考查固定表达。既不要太贵也不要太便宜。neither .nor既不也不。答案nor6.They will be as difficult and painful holding a hot potato.解析考查固定表达。他们将和拿着热土豆一样痛苦和困难。此处是“as形容词as”表示的同级比较句型。答案as7.He loved the 4th wife the most.He took great care of her and gave her nothing the best.解析考查固定表达。他悉心照顾她,只给她最好的。nothing but只,仅仅。答案but8. And Id like to know why Chinese people use chopsticks. not knives and forks,like Americans?解析考查固定表达。我想知道为什么中国人用筷子,为什么不像美国人一样用刀叉呢?固定表达why not.为什么不呢?答案Why9. So long as we have some,thats enough.And we can learn to spend money.解析考查固定表达。我们能学会如何花钱。learn后面跟的是“疑问词to do”结构。答案how10. Sometimes hunger hit me so severely I regarded dried sweet potato slices as delicious snack.解析考查固定表达。有时候饥饿感是如此强烈以至于我都把土豆片当作美味的点心。此处是结果状语从句,so.that.结构。答案that易错起源1、强调句的正确运用 例1It was when we were returning home _ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.A. whichB. thatC. where D. how【答案】B【名师点睛】使用强调句时,应该注意如下几点:1.强调状语:It is tomorrow that will hold the meeting.(that不能换成when) It was on the sports ground that I found (that 不能换成where)2.强调含有not.util.一结构的句子时,要用 It iswas not until.that.结构。that后的句子要 用肯定句,且须用陈述语序。3.强调句和主语从句句型(指 “It+be+adj.n.+that从句”类型)的异同点:二者均有 It be . thatwho.之类的语言标志。所不同的是: (1)含有主语从句的句子译为汉语时不可加上 “正是”或“就是”之类的字眼,而强调则可以。 (2)含有主语从句的句子若删掉 It be.thatwho.则原句不论结构还是语意均不成立,而强调句去掉结构标志仍然成立。如:It is ture that he once went to to Canada.(不可以去掉 It is及that,否则原句不成立)It was on December 11,典型例题at China became a member of WTO.(去掉was及that后原句仍然成立)【锦囊妙计,战胜自我】1.含有定语从句的强调句型:仔细分析出at或 who在句中的作用,若that或who可有可无(结合it be来分析),则为强调句,否则是定语从句。如: It was in the lab that was set up by Mr.Smith that they finshed the experiment.(lab后的出at不可省略,因为出at引导定语从句,作该句的主语。句中第二个,that才是强调句的标志。)2.强调谓语时用“do/doesdid+动词原形”。如: He did come yesterday.他昨天的确来了。易错起源2、倒装句的正确运用 例2Only when Lily walked into the office _ that she had left the contract at home. A. she realized B. has she realized C. she has realized D. did she realize【答案】D【名师点睛】在下列情况下,句子要完全倒装:1.在there,here 引导的句子中,谓语是be;exist 等表示状态的词。如:Hereisaseatforyou.Tom.There stands a building on;the top of the mountain2.在语气词there,here开头的句子中,谓语是 come,be等。 如:There goes the bell!铃响了!Here comes your husband.你丈夫来了。There you go again你又来这一套。3.由副词now,then,thus 引导的句子中,谓语是 come,begin,be 如: Now comes your turn.Thus ended the meeting.4.在 in, out up, over, back等作状语置于句首时,谓语动词是 come, go, rush, run等的句子里。如:Up and up the pricesOff went the horses5.地点状语提前,谓语是 be ,stand,lie 的句子中如:In front of the door stood a boy.On the ground lay a sick dog.A. 在疑问句里。Do you have an English class every day?What did the two cheats pretend to be doing?在特殊疑问句里,如果疑问词作主语,则不用倒装。Who is in the next room?谁在隔壁房间?What makes you so angry? 什么使你这么生气?B.在以so 开头表示“也一样”,和以nor或neither开关表示“也不一样”的句子里。I get up at seven and so does my brother.He didnt do it and neither did I.C.在以 never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, little, barely , rarely, nowhere, by no means, hot until, hardly (scarcely). when ,no sooner. than 等否定或半否定意义的词位于句首表示强调的句子里。Never before have I met him.我以前从未见过他。Seldom did the boy icad newspapers.这个孩子以前很少读报。 Little do I dream of seeing wonderful seenery.我梦想不到会看到这样神奇的景色。Not until midnight did it stop raining.雨一直下到半夜才停。 Hardly had he entered the house when it began to rain. 他一进屋就开始下雨了。No sooner had they got to the plant than they started to wrok.他们一进工厂就开始工作。 易错起源3、反意疑问句的用法 例3 I spent two weeks in London last summer.Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay._ you?A. mustntB. havent C. didntD. hadnt【答案】C【解析】本题考察的反义疑问句中比较特殊的一种“情态动词+have done”的反义疑问句。当主句中“情态动词+have done”后面有过去时的时间状语,就对一般过去时反问;如果句子没有一般过去时的时间状语,就对现在完成时中的助动词have/has提问。句意:去年夏天,我在伦敦两个星期。你在那里的时候,一定去了大英博物馆吧,是吧?本句中有了during your stay你在那里的时候,这是一个一般过去时的时间状语,指去年在那里的时间。所以对一般过去时提问,句中是动词visit,所以使用didnt。 【名师点睛】使用反意疑问句时,应注意下列问题:1.陈述部分包含有no,never,hardly,little等含有否定意义的词时,附加问句用肯定形式(但不包括带有否定意义的前后缀的词,如dislike,unfair等)。2.陈述句和附加问句的情态动词或助动词一般要保持一致,但也有特殊情况:(1)used to(过去常常)usednt (或didnt);(2)have(拥有)havent(或dont);have(进行某-动作)dont; have(构成完成时态)ha
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