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Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are(第4课时)策略与反思纠错与归纳【学习目标】1. 识记并运用P.92的单词和短语2. 通过对reading的学习,学会在不同场合使用不同的交际用语。 3. 学会礼貌待人。【使用说明与学法指导】1. 预习课本p.92,你认为哪个句型重要?_. 2. 预习完课本第92页内容,你还有什么问题? _. 【温故知新】 学而时习之 不亦说乎1. I cant play table tennis with you this afternoon because I will _(上一节舞蹈课)。2. Her brother will _(装扮成) an ugly duck in the game.3. Last Friday, Lucys mother _(做面条) for us .4. They want to visit the _(世界上最大的水滑道) 【自主学习】 认真预习P.90,找出下列短语并熟读背诵:I英汉互译 1. 询问信息_ 2.寻求帮助 _ 3. 借给我你的钢笔_ 4. 相似的请求_ 5.depend on _ 6. 在一些情况下_7.in a way _ 8. 上交 _【合作探究】升华学科能力,透析重难点 Step I Read the article and match each paragraph with its main idea.Paragraph 1 a) Using certain extra language helps to make language more polite .Paragraph 2 b) Knowing how to make requests politely is important.Paragraph 3 c) To become good English speakers , we need to learn more about language etiquette. Paragraph 4 d) Choice of language depends on the relationship and situationStep 2 知识点拨. 1.borrow, lend 1) borrow v. 借入,指说话人向别人借东西供自己用。常用结构:borrow sth from sb/somewhere 从某人或某处借某物9. Yesterday his brother borrowed some money _ me . 10. Can I _ _ _ _ you ? 我能向你借些书吗? 2) lend v. 借出 指说话人把自己的东西借给别人用。常用结构: lend sb sth或lend sth to sb 你能把你的钢笔借给我吗? 11. 译 _? = _?2. lead v. 引导 1) lead 作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,常用短语:lead sb to do sth引导某人做某事 e.g 12. My brother leads me _ _ English well . 我哥哥引导我学好英语。 2)lead 用作不及物动词时,意为“导致;通向”常与介词to 搭配使用,后接名词或代词作宾语。 e.g All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 13. Smoking can lead to health problems.译 _ 3. trouble 1) v. 麻烦;打扰 Im so sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉,打扰你了。2)n. 麻烦,烦恼,困难 常用短语be in trouble 处在困境中 have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难。 Last term, I had a lot of trouble (in) learning English.14. Do you have any trouble _ _ (finish ) the task ? 15. 请写出have trouble in doing sth 的同义短语:_【当堂检测】技能拓展应用,搭建晋级平台 Step 1 根据句意选择合适的短语并用其适当形式完成句子。 for example ; hand in ; in a way ; ask for ; depend on 16.Bob, you are quite right _.17.Mike came to _ my advice on his studies.18.I hope you will all _ your homework on time. 19.How much you can achieve _ how hard you have worked.20. Some students ,_,John ,live in the countryside. Step 2 单项选择21. I had a little trouble _ English grammar. A. learn B. learned C. learning D to learn22. May I _ your dictionary ? I m not sure about this word. - Sorry, I _ it in the bedroom this morning. A. lend, left B. lend, forgot C. use, left D. borrow, forgot 23. I want to know _ the day before yesterday. Awhat you do B. what do you doC. what you did D. what did you doStep 3 佳作欣赏假设明天是国庆节,有些外地同学回不了家,你作为班长程林,想邀请他们到你家聚会。聚会6:30 开始。你们家住朝阳街18号,乘812路公共汽车在终点站下车。你们家在路对面。房子是白色的,门是红色的,很容易找到。在家里有很多事情可以做。你们可以花一整个上午唱歌跳舞。你们也可以聊天,看碟。请根据所给信息,给同学们发一封电子邮件。词数: 80左右。Dear classmates,Tomorrow is National Day. Im going to hold a party at home . It will start at 6:30. Would you like to come? Ive asked some other classmates and some of my friends. I live at 18 Chaoyang Street. You can take Bus No. 812, and get off at the last stop. My house is just on the other side of the road. Its a white house with a red door. You cant miss it. And there are lots of things we will do . We can spend the whole morning singing and dancing ,and we can also chat with each other and watch videos .Im sure we will have a good time . Hope you would come!Yours,Cheng Lin
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