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课时作业(十)Unit 5Rhythm.单词拼写1The police found the lost (金银财宝) in that old house.答案:treasure2Learning a musical (乐器;工具) introduces a child to an understanding of music.答案:instrument3Most college students today (结合) school and work.答案:combine4We could not find our friends at the party,for everyone wore a (面具,面罩) over his face.答案:mask5Each class will choose two students to (代表) them in the Student Union.答案:represent6More women are entering traditionally (男性的) jobs like engineering.答案:male7Both lights on the other side of the (马车) work,so I change seats.答案:carriage8One boy announced that he wanted to become a(n) (将军)答案:general.单句语法填空1My brother has a talent chess and I feel proud of him.答案:for2Dont treat her so indifferently;shes honest some ways.答案:in3We havent expected his winning. other words,we are surprised at his winning.答案:In4To be chosen (represent) their country is the highest honour for most athletes.答案:to represent5I think Tom,as the head of a big department,should either study regularly or (quit) his job.答案:quit.完成句子1因为那次地震,成千上万人失去了家园。Tens of thousands of people lost their homes the earthquake.答案:because of2那是一场十分成功的音乐会,以至于他们在同一城市又举行了一场。It was they held another concert in the same city.答案:such a success that3作为父母,我认为我们需要做更多的事来保护我们的孩子。 ,I think more should be done to protect our children.答案:As a parent4不管发生什么,我们都会尽早让你知道。No matter what happens,we will let you know .答案:as early as possible5现在在我们村,每个孩子,无论男孩还是女孩都可以上学了。Now in our village,every child, a boy a girl,can go to school.答案:whether;or6上次我见到他时他什么也没有告诉我。He didnt tell me anything .答案:last time I saw him.完形填空Jim and his brother lived on the 80th level.When coming home one day,to their 1 ,the lifts were not working and they had to 2 the stairs.After reaching the 20th level,breathless and tired,they decided to 3 their bags and come back for them the next day.They climbed 4 .When they got to the 40th level,Jims brother started to 5 .However,they 6 to climb the flights of steps,arguing all the way to the 60th floor.They then 7 that they only had 20 levels more to climb and decided to stop arguing and continue climbing 8 .They reached their home at long last.Each stood calmly before the door and waited for the other to 9 the door.And they realized that the 10 were in their bags which were left on the 20th floor.This story is a reflection (反映) of our life.When 11 ,many of us are asked to do as our parents and teachers expect.We 12 get to do the things that we really like and love and are under too much pressure (压力) 13 by the age of 20,we get tired and decide to 14 this load (负担)Once 15 the pressure,we work harder to realize our dreams.But by the time we reach 40 years old,we find it 16 to realize them and begin to feel unsatisfied and complain,and 17 them.Reaching 60,we realize that we have 18 cause for complaint any more,and we begin to walk the final stage with 19 .So follow your dreams and 20 for them carefully,never complain and lose your key,and your dreams will come true one day.语篇解读作者通过一个小故事告诉我们:追随梦想,认真为其做准备,不要丢掉成功的钥匙,不要抱怨,我们的梦想就会实现。1A.shame BsurpriseChappiness Ddisappointment答案:D2A.clean BreplaceCfix Dclimb解析:从the lifts were not working可知,让他们失望的是,电梯坏了,所以他们不得不“爬(climb)”楼梯。to ones disappointment让某人失望的是。答案:D3A.pack BleaveCcarry Dfind解析:从.come back for them the next day可知他们决定暂时“放下(leave)”背包,第二天再来取回。答案:B4A.over BdownCon Dout解析:从When they got to the 40th level可知,他们放下背包后,继续往上爬(climbed on)。答案:C5A.rest BcomplainCwork Dexplain解析:从.arguing all the way to the 60th floor可知,吉姆的弟弟开始“抱怨(complain)”然后导致争吵。答案:B6A.continued BrefusedCforgot Ddemanded解析:从.arguing all the way to the 60th floor可知,他们“继续(continued)”往上爬,边爬边吵一直到第60层。答案:A7A.realized BadvisedChoped Dagreed解析:爬到60层后他们“意识到(realized)”只剩下20层了,所以停止了争吵。答案:A8A.in order Bin peaceCin turn Din time解析:从stop arguing可知,他们停止争吵,继续平静地往上爬。in peace平静地。答案:B9A.lock BanswerCclose Dopen解析:从They reached their home at long last可知他们终于爬到了家,然后等待对方去“开(open)”门。答案:D10A.tickets BbooksCkeys Dphones解析:他们意识到他们把“钥匙(keys)”落在包里了。答案:C11A.lonely BsickCsuccessful Dyoung答案:D12A.always BrarelyCagain Dfinally解析:从下文的by the age of 20可知作者认为我们“年轻(young)”时只能做父母和老师所期望的事情,而“很少(rarely)”去做自己真正喜欢的事情。答案:B13A.only if Bso thatCeven if Das if答案:B14A.take up Bset upCgive up Dput up解析:从上文的.are under too much pressure可知作者认为压力太大“以至于(so that)”我们在20岁时就疲惫不堪,决定“放弃(give up)”这些负担。答案:C15A.free of Btired ofCworried about Dconce
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