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阶段测试卷(一)七年级(时间:90分钟,满分:120分)题号总分得分第一部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(B)1.Do you have _ pingpong ball?No.I dont like sports.I like playing _ guitar.Aa;/ Ba;the Cthe;/ Dthe;the(A)2.Id like some noodles _ lunch.Is it OK _ you?Afor;with Bfor;of Cwith;with Dwith;of(C)3.Whats your favorite _,Lingling?I like purple best.I think it stands for mystery.Asubject Bfruit Ccolor Dsport(B)4.The math problem is so _ that no one in our class works it out.Aeasy Bdifficult Cinteresting Dboring(D)5.How long will you stay in America?For _ days,and I will leave on the _ of this month.Atwelve;twenty Btwelfth;twentiethCtwelfth;twenty Dtwelve;twentieth(C)6.We need to finish the work _.There is no time left.Asadly Bhappily Cquickly Dslowly(C)7.Tom introduced _ to some friends of _.AI;him Bme;him Cme;his DI;his(D)8.The boy usually _ in the river when summer comes.Adances Bskates Cdraws Dswims(B)9.I decided to go with them,_ I had nothing better to do.Athough Bbecause Cso Duntil(A)10.Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?Sorry,I cant.I _visit my sick grandmother in hospital.Ahave to Bmay Ccan Dam able to(B)11.I want to be a scientist like Qian Xuesen when I grow up.Sounds great!But you must work hard to make your dream _.Agive up Bcome true Crun away Dfall down(A)12.Do you like your life here?At first I _,but now I like it a lot.Adidnt Bdid Cdont Ddo(D)13.Dave,where is our mom?I cant find her.She _ lunch for us now.Amakes Bmade Chas made Dis making(A)14._ did you spend on this new computer,Dave?About 5,000 yuan.AHow much BHow many CHow often DHow long(C)15.Mom,1 must go now.Peter is waiting for me at the cinema.OK._!AGood idea BGood luckCHave a good time DBest wishes.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AJoey lived in a very small town with his family.His father was a school teacher and his mother,most of the time was a homemaker,_16_ she sold vegetables from their home to make a little money.School was starting in just a few days,and it was_17_ for the OLeary children to get a new set of clothing each year,so they would get dressed and _18_ well on the first day of school.Joeys little town had_19_ clothing store,no bank,no restaurant,or even a swimming pool.There was _20_ a post office and a barber shop in the town.If they want to go shopping,they had to go to the city.But Joey never liked going shopping.He _21_ it.It was_22_,the last free weekend of the summer,and mother said that it was a good day to go to the city for school shopping.Beth and Carole,the two younger sisters got up early.They talked about the coming day and excitement in the big city mall happily as they were eating _23_Joey,on the other hand,was not so_24_He wanted to stay home and ride his bicycle,or do _25_ but not go shopping.But he finally agreed to go with his mother and sisters after his father talked to him.(B)16.A.but Bthough Cso Dbecause(C)17.A.impossible Bdifferent Ccommon Dnecessary(B)18.A.play Blook Clearn Ddance(C)19.A.some Bmany Cno Dfew(A)20.A.only Bfirst Cnew Dold(B)21.A.bought Bhated Cenjoyed Dkept(D)22.A.Monday BTuesday CFriday DSaturday(A)23.A.breakfast Blunch Csupper Ddinner(C)24.A.sad Bworried Chappy Dfree(D)25.A.something Banything Cnothing DeverythingBFrancis is walking on the street of a foreign city.He can_26_ a person about 200 meters from him.The person seems to be a girl.She is holding a large piece of _27_ high above her head.He cannot see what is on the paper,so he keeps on _28_ towards the girl.As he comes closer,he can see the girl_29_She is about 20 years old.She is tall and slim with black hair.And he can also see the words on the paper:FREE HUGS.Francis does not understand.He goes to the girl but _30_ ten meters from her.The girl looks at him,smiling.A woman goes to the girl.The girl hugs_31_Then the woman goes away _32_ a big smile.Now Francis understands._33_ can go to the girl and hug her for free.Francis is surprised.He thinks this is a _34_ idea.He goes to the girl to hug her.When they are finished,he thanks the girl.The girl smiles at him and she _35_ him,too.Then he walks away from the girl.He feels stronger,younger and happier.(B)26.A.smell Bsee Cfeel Dsound(C)27.A.cake Bcloth Cpaper Dwood(D)28.A.looking Bjumping Cleaving Dwalking(A)29.A.clearly Bcarefully Chardly Dlately(D)30.A.helps Bruns Clies Dstops(C)31.A.them Bit Cher Dhim(B)32.A.without Bwith
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