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Module3 My First Ride on a train一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. D is no longer a problem since the Internet was born. 2. Weve had 200 applicants(申请人) for the job, but we only plan to i about 20 of them. 3. This year, the price of farm p is likely to go up as a result of drought. 4. - Why did Mrs. Richards hide in the small storeroom under the stairs?- Because she didnt want to f anyone. 5. The j of a thousand begins with the first step. 6. To prepare the report, I worked late into night, so I felt e . 7. I bought a model of the Big Ben as a s of my visiting London. 8. Hold the gun steady and make sure you s straight. 9. Now poor people live in d but rich people live in the suburb, where air is clean.10. I have got my friends invitation to his wedding c .二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)11. They drove to the (闹市区) and entered a club.12. The interviewee became a little more nervous when hearing the footsteps of the .13. The (风景) was so beautiful that it was almost beyond description.14. Dont stand so near the edge; youre (吓唬) me.15. World War is one of the most important (大事) in the history of mankind.16. Thousands of football fans crowded into the (体育馆) to watch the match.17. This summer I will make a long (旅程) from Beijing to Guangzhou.18. They came here in search of new markets for their (产品).19. When the British invite you to their flat, the Americans will ask you to come around to their a (公寓).20. You can buy many (纪念品) in every place of interest.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)21. We will move to a new city and (不再住在这个房子里).22. 警察刚刚询问的那些目击者们对于打斗的描述非常不同。(词数不限)The witnesses just now gave very different descriptions of the fight. (question)23. 还有一次,就在几个月前的一天晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。Another time some months ago, one evening when the window was open.24. The plane to New York (起飞) at 6:35 in the morning. Please get up early tomorrow morning. (take)25. 旅游指南上的信息已经过期了。(词数不限)The information in the tourist guide is already .26. When and where to build the new library have not been decided, which . (disappoint)在什么时间、什么地点建造新的图书馆还没有定下来,这使得人们很失望。27. 他昨天在机场丢失的那台手提电脑是IBM的。The computer at the airport yesterday is an IBM laptop. (lose)28. When I said some people were stupid, I wasnt (指的是你). (词数不限)29. 对他们的称赞我感到很不安。(be) (词数不限)I their compliment.30. The giant dam of the Three Gorges hydropower project (坐落在) the Yangtze River was finally completed on May 20, 2006, nine months ahead of the schedule. (locate)四、单项选择31.Life is like a journey. What really counts is not the destination but the along the journey and the mood to enjoy it.A. distanceB. transportationC. souvenirD. scenery32.Looking at her looks, we were .A. astonished; confusedB. astonishing; confusingC. confusing; astonishedD. confused; astonishing33.Tom has been away from home for two years, leaving his room with dust.A. to coverB. was coveringC. coveringD. covered34.I didnt think Id like the movie, but actually it pretty good.A. has beenB. wasC. had beenD. would be35.The UNA is United Nations Association.A. short inB. short ofC. short aboutD. short for36.Jack the bus as soon as it stopped, then to his joy he met an old friend of his on the bus.A. got intoB. got onC. got offD. got out of37.Experts say this explains why the drugs to treat one form of breast cancer may not work to cure another form.A. to useB. usingC. usedD. use38.Global warming an average increase in the Earths temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change.A. appeals toB. occurs toC. refers toD. belongs to39.This kind of skirt is . Short ones are popular now.A. out of orderB. in the wayC. out of dateD. out of reach40.Dont play computer games ; you should put your effort into your study completely.A. no longerB. any moreC. no moreD. any longer41.Ladies and gentlemen, please remain until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. seatedB. seatingC. to seatD. seat42.The president hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he .A. has startedB. startsC. startedD. will start43.His early works, mostly in the traditional Chinese style, reflected the of eastern China.A. sightB. sceneryC.
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