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虚拟语气专练 一、单项选择1. Look! _ we _ our work yesterday, we _ ourselves just like them!A. Did; finish; would have enjoyed B. Should; finish; would enjoyC. Were; to finish; would enjoy D. Had; finished; would be enjoying2. If you had had everything ready yesterday, you _ in such a hurry now.A. wouldnt have been B. wouldnt be C. hadnt been D. havent been3. He had an expression of sadness, as if Mary_ a fool of him. A. had made B. makes C. made D. would make4. There was a half smile on his face which suggested that he _ happy to have donated the money to the poor children. A. was B. should be C. would be D. were5. It was the drug, not the disease,that killed the boy.He would be still alive today if he _ that drug.A. not take B. shouldnt have taken C. didnt take D. hadnt taken6. The order came that the medical supplies to Beijing for the H1N1 flu soon.Awould be sent Bshould send Cbe sent Dmust be sent7.I didnt attend the lecture yesterday.I _, either, if my mother hadnt reminded me. A. wouldnt B. wouldnt have C. didnt D. hadnt 8.一Why didnt you come to Mikes birthday party yesterday?Well,I , but I had something important to do at the moment.A. should B. must C. should have D. must have9. _ he come, the problems would be settled. A. Would B. Should C. Shall D. If10. - “What will you do during the summer holiday?” - “I dont know, but its high time _ something.” A. Im deciding B. Ill decide C. I decidedD. I decide 11. He treated me as though/as if _ his own son. A. I am B. I would be C. I wasD. I were 12.George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he_ more on its culture. A. focus B. focused C. would focus D. had focused13. - John went to the hospital alone.- If he _ me, I would have gone with him. A. should tell B. tells C. told D. had told14. The doctor has ordered he _ in bed for 3 months, but he _ listen. A. stayed; didnt B. stays; doesnt C. stay; wont D. should stay; mustnt15.-The weather has been very hot and dry. -Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables _. A. wouldnt die B. didnt die C. hadnt died D. wouldnt have died16. My sister would rather my nephew _ along with us on the coming Saturday, but I dont. A. went B. go C. had gone D. should go17. Should it rain, the crops _ . A. would be saved B. would have been saved C. will be saved D. had been saved 18. _ for the Internet, it wouldnt be so convenient for us to get so much useful information. A. If it was not B. Werent it C. Had it not been D. Were it not19. Would you have called her up had it been possible? - Yes, but I _ busy doing my homework. A. was B. were C. had been D. would be20. If the three college students _ the two children, they_ alive at the moment. A. didnt save; might have been B. were to save; should be C. had not saved; would be D. had not saved; could have been21. _ ten minutes earlier, you _ the outstanding scientist interviewed at the press conference. A. Come; will meet B. Had you come; could have met C. If you came; might have met D. Were you to come; should meet22. If only you _ Donne my email address. My email box has been filled with the junk mails from him. A. dont tell B. didnt tell C. hadnt told D. wouldnt tell23. He would have exposed their secret in public, but he _ a proper chance. A. couldnt have B. hasnt had C. didnt have D. hadnt had24. He wishes that he _ his best friends wedding ceremony, but his wife _ him home. A. attended; had kept B. would attend; kept C. had attended; kept D. would have attended; had kept25. It is absurd and strange that the quiet boy _ his roommates. A. should kill B. killed C. would kill D. should have killed26. The suspect insisted that he _ kill the man and that he _ free immediately. A. didnt; was set B. hadnt; should be set C. shouldnt; was set D. didnt; be set27.Without the help of my English teacher, I the first prize in the English Speaking Competition. Awould win Bwould have won Cwould not winDwould not have won28.Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I _ late yesterday Dont mention it Ashould be Bwould beCwill have been Dwould have been29. -If you to my birthday party last Sa
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