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Unit3 Science and nature句型总结:1. If I had the chance, I would clone a baby right now.2. If we toy with nature, we will have to deal with the consequences.3. Not everything that is best for nature is good for people.4. While I admit this maths exercise is difficult, I dont think I cant work it out.5. Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified food.6. Should they be blamed for destroying hundreds of thousands of acres of rainforest and.?单词拼写:1 The other day when I was walking into the local supermarket, I noticed two _(女销售员)chatting excitedly.2 If measures are not taken immediately, the _(后果)of nuclear crisis in Japan will be extremely serious.3 If you want to appreciate authentic English literature, youd better read _(原版的)works.4 The book is intended to give a _(简要的)introduction to the development of the Internet.5 At present, the majority of the people in the world are not in _(支持)of cloning human beings.6 In modern society, there are a wide variety of _(职业)for you to choose from, teaching being one of them.7 I know her birthday is in August,but I cant remember the e_ date.8 They went downtown with the i_ of visiting the museum.9 The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to _one.(收养)10 Children normally feel a lot of a_ about their first day at school.11 In the US, farmers h_ wheat in the early summer.12 The movie t_ her almost overnight from an unknown girl into a star.13 My father doesnt like anything to interrupt his n_ daily routine.14 What he did was so s_ that I can hardly describe it.15 The e_ is an animal or plant in the early stages of its development before birth.16 Mike was quick to make j_ about other people.17 You can _on me to keep your secret.18 The _ of our employees are women.19 Some workers at the power station were exposed to high levels of _.(辐射)20 In Africa, many people are dying from h_ every year.21 The doctor advised him to add n_ to his diet.22I cant c_ on my studies with all that noise ging on.23 There is very little p_ in selling newspapers at present24 No official p_ has been given for the event to take place.动词填空1. The programs (put) on yesterday evening were really wonderful.2. (send) to the hospital immediately, the wounded soldier was saved.3. Youd better not get the plastic bags and boxes (burn), for it will give off some harmful gas and pollutants into the air.4. The firefighters are trying their best to rescue all the people (trap) in the fire5. (encourage) by the teachers word, the boy was determined to work harder and make greater progress.6. The little girl was very (frighten)at a frightening voice.7. They found the house (break) into and rang up the police at once8. The bridge that was (build) twenty years ago needs repairing.9. If (give) more time, we could do it better.10. (excite) at the good news, he could not go to sleep11. The manager had every room (examine) carefully12. Unless (invite), I wont go to the ball tomorrow.13. (destroy) in the earthquake, the equipment doesnt work.14. In the paper is a carefully (decide) policy.15. (absorb) in the research work, he had no time to make any trip.16. The first film (direct) by her was very popular with the public.17. The students have cleared away the (fall) leaves.18. I saw a lot of banners (hang) from public building.19. China is a (develop) country, while America is a (develop) one.20. The result of the test is (disappoint)21.The workers _(work) for several days when they _(tell) that the construction work was illegal. 22.-What did you think of the report? It was good. It urged all children _(tell) to swim.23. _(win) the title of excellent teacher, he was awarded a notebook computer _ (value)at 10,000 yuan.24. Standing on the platform, Professor Li kept silent for a moment, her eyes_(fix) on the audience below.25._(judge) by his accent, she must be from Northeast China.26.Id like to go to the cinema with you, Dad. Sorry, my darling, but the film is _(intend) for adults only.27. Some customers_(trick) into buying the bad goods the other day.28. On _ (see) him, I will ask him to voice his opinion at the meeting.29. It is suggested that we _(deal) with these problems immediately.30. Dont call me at five this afternoon because I _( have)a meeting at that time.31. Whats the way you think of _(improve) your handwritin
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