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Module 4 Carnival .用所给词的适当形式填空1She _hid_(hide) her feelings by covering her face with her hands.2The _origins_(origin) of the custom are unknown.3I picked up a copybook in the schoolyard yesterday _marked_(mark) with name and class.4He pretended _to_be_reading_(read) an important paper when the boss entered.5My _memory_(memorial) must be playing tricks on me. Im sure I put that book on the desk.6There are few places on the course, so it is essential_to_book_ (book) in advance.7The latest pop music _imported_ (import) from the Republic of Korea is popular with young people.8I like my clothes to be simple but _elegant_ (elegance).用下面短语的适当形式填空1I will have to _walk_off_ the meal because I have eaten too much.2The prisoner started to _wash_down_ the walls of his cell.3Dont _give_up_ this opportunity or you will regret.4When people heard the war _come_to_an_end_,they all cheered.5To attend the party, I have to _dress_up_.6This group _consists_of_ 8 excellent boys.句型训练1一句多译再给他两个小时,他很快就会完成这项工作。(1)_Give_him_two_more_hours,_and_he_will_finish_the_work._(2)_Two_more_hours_and_he_will_finish_the_work._(3)_If_he_is_given_two_more_hours,_he_will_finish_the_work._(4)_Given_two_more_hours,_he_will_finish_the_work._2句型转换(1)Is there any need to explain further?Is there any need _for_ _further_ _explanation_?(2)If you make more efforts, you will succeed._Make_ _more_ _efforts_, and you will succeed.(3)As time went by, his English became better and better._With_ _time_ _going_ _by_, his English became better and better.(4)The old man has two daughters, and both of them are doctors.The old man has two daughters, _both_ _of_ _whom_ are doctors.语法填空Think of carnival,and you think of crowds,costumes,and confusion.In Europe,where it began,carnival _1.was_seen_(see) as a last chance to have fun at _2.the_ end of the winter season.The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice.At first,it lasted for just one day, 3.but_ gradually the carnival period was extended.For weeks on end people walked round the streets _4.wearing_(wear) masks,doing what they wanted,which made many crimes _5.unpunished_(punish)As a result,the government passed laws to limit the use of masks.At the end of the 18th century,masks were banned _6.completely_(complete) and carnival became just a memory.But in the late 1970s the tradition was revived by _7.students_(student)Today,carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days _8.in_ February and it attracts people from all over Europe,making hotels fully booked and the narrow streets _9.crowded_ (crowd)_10.Wandering_(wander) through the streets,you will see thousands of all kinds of masks.话题写作根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。1圣诞节开始于公元336年。(date back to)2为了纪念耶稣的生日,每年我们会在12月25日庆祝圣诞节。(celebrate,in memory of)3在这一天,家人团聚在一起,共进晚餐。(get together)4人们会穿着漂亮的衣服,拜访朋友。(dress)5这个节日是以圣诞树和圣诞老人等为标志的。(be marked with)6现在这个节日会延续一周的时间,然后才会结束。(extend) Christmas dates back to 336AD. Annually we celebrate it on December 25 in memory of the birth of Jesus. On this day, families get together for a big dinner. They will be dressed in beautiful clothes and visit friends.The festival is marked with Christmas trees and Santa Claus and so on. At present, the festival extends for a week and then it comes to an end.
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