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Module 4 Carnival .完形填空(2016吉林长春市高三质监)The other evening we had a knock at the door.It was a new _1.D_ who introduced himself and his boys to us.He also _2.A_ us to a block party as a way to know the people in the neighborhood as well as celebrate the first anniversary of his two _3.A_ sons coming to live with him.Weve lived here for almost six years and _4.D_ has ever come to introduce themselves.I suppose we should have _5.C_ it on to introduce ourselves to people moving in,but we havent.In my opinion,it took the initiative(首创;主动权) of a young _6.B_ and his adopted sons to show me how I could _7.C_ better attention to my own community.I have many _8.B_ friends but I have to admit that I havent usually been the one to develop the _9.B_ in my own neighborhood.This experience _10.A_ me of one of my favorite quotes:“When I was a young man,I wanted to change the world.I found it was _11.A_ to change the world,so I tried to change my nation.When I found I couldnt change the nation,I began to _12.B_ my town.I couldnt change the town and as a(n) _13.C_ man,I tried to change my _14.B_.Now,as an old man,I _15.C_ the only thing I can change is myself,and _16.B_ I realize that if long ago I had changed myself,I could have made an impact(影响) on my family and _17.D_ on my town.The impact could have changed the nation and I could _18.A_ have changed the world.”For those of us who want to make a(n)_19.B_ in the world,its important we remember what Bucky Fuller said,“Think globally,but _20.B_ locally.” For me,Im going to make it a point to meet more of my neighborsstarting now.文章大意:作者住的社区来了一位新邻居,这位新邻居主动把自己和他的孩子们介绍给邻居们,这件事让作者感触很深。在作者看来,要想成大事,必先从小事做起,从身边的事做起。1A.strangerBclassmateCbeggarDneighbor解析根据下一句中的in the neighborhood可知,此处指新邻居(neighbor)。2A.invitedBcommandedCpersuadedDencouraged解析根据该空后的a block party及celebrate the first anniversary可知,这个新邻居还邀请(invited)作者及家人参加社区派对。command意为“命令;指示”;persuade意为“劝说;说服”;encourage意为“鼓励;鼓舞”。故选A项。3A.adoptedBacceptedCadaptedDannoyed解析根据第6空后的his adopted sons可知,他的两个儿子是收养的(adopted)。故选A项。accepted意为“录取的;可接受的;已承兑的”;adapted意为“适合的;适应的”;annoyed意为“恼怒的;气恼的”。4A.anyoneBsomeoneCeveryoneDno one解析根据第6空前面的the initiative(首创;主动权)可知,作者在这个社区生活六年了,但是从没有人到家里来介绍自己,这个新邻居和他收养的两个儿子是先例。故选D项。5A.putBmadeCtakenDturned解析句意为:我认为我们本应该把我们自己介绍给搬进这个社区的人,但是我们没有。句中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是to introduce ourselves to people moving in, moving in在此作定语,修饰people,指搬进社区来住的人们。take on意为“承担;接受;从事”;put on意为“穿上;上演”;turn on意为“打开;发动”。故选C项。6A.studentBmanCwomanDmother解析根据第一段可知,上门来介绍自己的是一个父亲和他收养的两个儿子。因此,此处选man。7A.drawBloseCpayDoffer解析他们上门作自我介绍让作者明白自己应该如何更多地关注自己的社区。pay attention to意为“注意”,符合语境。draw attention to意为“引起的注意”,lose意为“失去”,offer意为“提供”,均不符合语境。8A.foreignBlocalColdDrich解析根据第9空后的in my own neighborhood及全文围绕社区交友展开可知,此处指作者有许多当地的(local)朋友。9A.troubleBfriendshipCconcernDbusiness解析根据上文的I have many local friends可知,此处指发展社区友谊(friendship)。10A.remindedBtoldCwarnedDconvinced解析这次经历让作者想起了自己很喜欢的一段话。remind sb.of sth.意为“让某人想起某事”,符合语境。故选A项。tell意为“告诉”;warn意为“警告;告诫”;convince意为“使信服”。11A.difficultBeasyCinterestingDright解析由该空后的so I tried to change my nation可知,此处的线索是从世界到国家,范围缩小,结合语境可知,改变这个世界很难(difficult)。故选A项。12A.make outBconcentrate onCget intoDrefer to解析在发现自己改变不了国家后,“我”开始把重点集中在(concentrate on)自己的城镇上,也就是想改变城镇。concentrate on意为“集中于”,符合语境。故选B项。make out意为“辨认出;理解”;get into意为“进入;陷入”;refer to意为“涉及;指的是;提及;参考”。13A.smarterByoungerColderDtaller解析根据上下文可知,本段话是按照年龄线索叙述的,因此此处指年纪大一些的时候。故选C项。14A.stateBfamilyCtownDmind解析根据情节发展(范围由大到小)可知,年龄大一些的时候,其他大的事情无能为力了,他竭力改变自己的家庭(family)。由下文中的.I could have made an impact on my family.也可得出答案。15A.explainBforgetCrealizeDregret解析“我”意识到(realize)自己唯一能改变的是自己。根据第16空后的realize也可知答案。16A.happilyBsuddenlyCactuallyDluckily解析“我”突然(suddenly)意识到,如果很久以前我改变了自己,那么“我”就能影响“我”的家庭。happily意为“高兴地”;actually意为“实际上”;luckily意为“幸运地”。17A.merelyBstillConlyDeven解析根据句意“我突然意识到,如果很久以前我改变了自己,我可能会对我的家庭甚至我的城镇产生影响。”可知,设空处表示程度上的递进,故选even。18A.indeedBhardlyCneverDseldom解析句意为:这个影响本可以改变国家,而且我确实本来可以改变世界。indeed意为“的确;实在”,符合语境。hardly,never和seldom均表示否定意义,不符合语境。19A.decisionBdifferenceCapologyDmistake解析句意为:对于我们当中那些想对世界有所影响的人,记住布基富勒所说的话很重要,“要着眼于全球性思考,但要本土化行动”。make a difference是固定搭配,意为“有影响;起作用”。make a decision意为“作决定”;make an apology意为“道歉”;make a mistake意为“犯错”。20A.behaveBactCmoveDoperate解析由but可知,设空处与Think相对。故选B项。要想有所作为就要从身边事做起。.阅读理解Chinese consumers crazy appetite for luxury goods and services appears unstoppable,with just 2 percent of the Chinese population responsible for onethird of the worlds luxury items. As Chinas economic miracle develops,themarket opportunities for all sorts of luxury goods and services are increasing.Luxury consumption in China now extends ways beyond wellknown cars,clothing and jewelry brands.For example, the luxury jet market in Chin
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