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Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab.单句语法填空1We all know that a _ (balance) diet is of great importance to our health.2We are proud _ our achievements and hopeful about the future. 3Alice was supposed _ (study) at home,but her mother found her surfing the Internet.4The more you practise speaking English,the _ (great) progress youll make in it.5He has got used to _ (take) a walk in the park after supper every day.6. _ addition,we shouldnt neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.7He expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _ (add) that he enjoyed his stay here.8Hearing the news,she felt a strange _ (mix) of excitement and fear.9When the man came in,gun in hand,we all stood there, _ (astonish)10How do other scientists and the public react _ your research? 答案1.balanced2.of3.to study4.greater5taking6.In7.adding8.mixture9.astonished 10.to.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1He used to play games on the Internet,but now he is used to read before sleeping.2Aiming at improving the level of English,English Corner is held once a week.3It was careless for him to leave his umbrella in the store.4He was astonishing to find his reading ability improved.5We send notices to visitors,usually in form of an email.6We came to the conclusion which he was against our plan.7Put everything in the order before you leave the room.8The more you practise,the more skillful you become.答案1.readreading2.AimingAimed3.forof4astonishingastonished5.form前加the6.whichthat7.去掉第一个the8.become前加will.课文缩写语法填空Different metals have different uses.When 1._ (use) metals,it is important to know how they react with different substances.The 2._ (react) of metals with these substances can be put in order.From the table,we can find that potassium reacts most 3._ oxygen and water while copper 4._ (not react) with water.When we heat calcium in oxygen,it burns 5._ (form) an oxide.In the second part of the experiment,you must boil the water 6._ (make) sure there is no air in it.You add some oil to the water 7._ this keeps air out of it.It also shows 8._iron doesnt rust in water without air in it.9._,the nails rust in the tube with ordinary water in the third part of the experiment.That is 10._ iron reacts with air and with water.答案1.using2.reaction3.with4.doesnt react5.to form6.to make7.because8.that9.However10how.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1王刚过去不擅长英语,他的阅读尤其薄弱。(used to)_2这增添了父母的忧虑。(add to,anxiety)_3老师告诉他学好英语很重要。(It is adj.to do)_4要想提高阅读技能,一般而言,他每天应该至少读两篇文章。(ordinary,be supposed to)_5王刚按照老师说的去做。一年后,他惊讶地发现他的阅读能力提高了。(astonished)_6通过这件事他得出了结论:一个人只要坚持就一定会成功。(conclusion)_答案1.Wang Gang used to be weak in English,whose reading is poor in particular.2It added to the anxiety of his parents.3His teacher told him that it was important to learn English well.4In the ordinary way,he was supposed to read at least two articles if he wanted to improve his reading ability.5Wang Gang did as the teacher had told him.A year later,he was astonished to find that his reading ability improved.6From this he drew a conclusion that one is sure to succeed if he sticks to it.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇 【参考范文】Wang Gang used to be weak in English,whose reading is poor in particular.It added to the anxiety of his parents.His teacher told him that it was important to learn English well.In the ordinary way,he was supposed to read at least two articles if he wanted to improve his reading ability.Wang Gang did as the teacher had told him.A year later,he was astonished to find that his reading ability improved.From this he drew a conclusion that one is sure to succeed if he sticks to it.阅读理解Safety is a huge concern whenever I run with my earphones in.But I need music to run.Otherwise all I hear is the sound of my own breathing.So Ive found a compromise: I run with only one earphone in.The music sounds off.Its an imperfect solution.An updated pair of headphones, called AfterShokz,aim to do better.AfterShokz bills itself as using bone conducting technology to conduct music from the front of the ear, delivering sound through your cheekbone and inner ear.This keeps your eardrum (鼓膜) free to hear everything else.“Earbuds (耳塞式耳机) are typically designed to block out all sound, which is fine whe
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